NATO exists to solve the problems created by NATO’s existence
NATO has doubled down on its determination to eventually add Ukraine to its membership, renewing its 2008 commitment to that goal in a meeting between the foreign ministers of the alliance in Bucharest, Romania this past Tuesday.
Worthless House Progressives retract mild peace advocacy under pressure from warmongers
The Congressional Progressive Caucus has retracted an extremely mild, toothless letter its members had written to c politely asking him to consider adding a little diplomacy into the mix to help end the conflict in Ukraine. The retraction followed a deluge of public outrage against their slight deviation from the official imperial narrative.
We’re being pushed toward nuclear war on a fiction: notes from the Edge of The Narrative Matrix
We’re being driven toward nuclear war on the completely fictional claim that Putin is a Hitler-like megalomaniac who’s just invading countries completely unprovoked, solely because he is evil and hates freedom, and won’t stop invading and conquering until he’s stopped by force.
U.S. rejection of Moscow’s offer for peace talks is utterly inexcusable
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said on Tuesday that Moscow was open to talks with the the U.S. or with Turkey on ending the war in Ukraine, claiming that U.S. officials are lying when they say Russia has been refusing peace talks.
Biden keeps pledging direct U.S. war with China over Taiwan
The president of the United States has once again committed the US military to direct hot war with China in the event of an attack on Taiwan, a commitment that was once again walked back by his White House handlers.
Modern U.S. warmongering is scaring Henry Kissinger
In a new interview with The Wall Street Journal, immortal Hague fugitive Henry Kissinger says the U.S. is acting in a crazy and irrational way that has brought it to the edge of war with Russia and China.
“Russian propaganda” just means disobedience
You can always tell how important narrative control is by watching the way people react when their control of the narrative is jeopardized.
China is issuing the same “Red Line” warnings about Taiwan that Russia issued about Ukraine
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has continued to pour gasoline on the foreign policy dumpster fire that is her planned visit to Taiwan next month, now reportedly encouraging other members of congress to come along for the ride.
This proxy war has no exit strategy
The International Committee of the Democratic Socialists of America has released a statement opposing the U.S. government’s ongoing proxy war in Ukraine, saying the billions being funneled into the military-industrial complex “at a time when ordinary Americans are struggling to pay for housing, groceries, and fuel” is “a slap in the face for working people.”
UK to swap out top sociopath for a different sociopath: notes from the Edge of the Narrative Matrix
Boris Johnson resigning would only be interesting in an alternate universe where there was some remote chance that he won’t be replaced by another depraved sociopath.
Imperial narrative control has five distinct elements
All of our world’s worst problems are created by the powerful. The powerful will keep creating those problems until ordinary people use their superior numbers to make them stop. Ordinary people don’t use their superior numbers to stop the powerful because the powerful are continuously manipulating people’s understanding of what’s going on.
Western officials admit Ukraine is crawling with CIA personnel
The New York Times reports that Ukraine is crawling with special forces and spies from the U.S. and its allies, which would seem to contradict earlier reports that the U.S. intelligence cartel is having trouble getting intel about what’s happening on the ground in Ukraine.
Assange is doing his most important work yet
British Home Secretary Priti Patel has authorized the extradition of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange to the United States to be tried under the Espionage Act in a case which seeks to set a legal precedent for the prosecution of any publisher or journalist, anywhere in the world, who reports inconvenient truths about the U.S. empire.
Empire solves Ukraine’s Nazi problem with a logo change
“The Azov Battalion has removed a neo-Nazi symbol from its insignia that has helped perpetuate Russian propaganda about Ukraine being in the grip of far-right nationalism,” The Times informs us.
Western media run blatant atrocity propaganda for the Ukrainian government
The Ukrainian government is quickly learning that it can say anything, literally anything at all, about what’s happening on the ground there and get it uncritically reported as an actual news story by the mainstream western press.
On Bush’s Freudian Confession
Oh my God. It happened. I can’t believe it really happened.
Pentagon-funded Think Tank simulates war with China on NBC
NBC’s ‘Meet the Press’ just aired an absolutely freakish segment in which the influential narrative management firm Center for a New American Security (CNAS) ran war games simulating a direct US hot war with China.
PayPal blocks multiple alternative media figures critical of U.S. empire narratives
In what appears to be yet another escalation in Silicon Valley’s redoubled efforts to quash dissident voices since the beginning of the Ukraine war, PayPal has just blocked the accounts of multiple alternative media voices who’ve been speaking critically against official U.S. empire narratives.
Everyone’s anti-war until the war propaganda starts
Nobody thinks of themselves as a warmonger, but then the spin machine gets going and before you know it they’re spouting the slogans they’ve been programmed to spout and waving the flags the flags they’ve been programmed to wave and consenting to whatever the imperial war machine wants in that moment.
U.S. suddenly pretends to care about rights abuses in India
While it is true that India’s right-wing government is guilty of human rights abuses and has been for years, it is also true that the US State Department does not actually care about human rights abuses.