Hundreds of law students announce boycott of Chevron law firm Seward & Kissel for “unethical” private prosecution of human rights attorney Steven Donziger
Students from over 50 leading U.S. law schools–including Stanford, Harvard, Yale, and New York University–have announced a recruiting boycott of a prominent Chevron law firm to protest its “unethical” private prosecution of U.S. human rights lawyer Steven Donziger after he helped win a $9.5 billion pollution judgment against Chevron.
Bogazici resistance is about more than liberal notions of academic freedom, it is a fight against the whole system of oppression
TURKEY’S revolutionary forces said today that protests centered on Bogazici University must remain a fight against fascism and oppression—not for “liberal ideas of academic freedom.”
Chicago threatens lockout as teachers stand firm on safe classroom demands
Despite strong opposition from the Chicago Teachers’ Union, representing the educators, the Chicago Public Schools and the city administration have decided to reopen in-person classes on Monday.
Betsy DeVos is out — but her right-wing agenda lives on
Supporters of public education and school teachers were relieved to see Betsy DeVos leave her job as head of the Department of Education, knowing full well the education policies she and former President Trump supported would go nowhere in a President Biden administration.
Covering school reopening, Chicago papers pit unions against parents
As FAIR (12/9/20) has reported, the New York Times has pushed for reopening public schools over teachers union concerns in New York City.
India’s move toward a de facto unitary state
India is being pushed toward a de facto unitary state, with states being kept totally out of the loop in decision-making, as seen in the new agricultural laws, goods and services tax compensation, Jammu and Kashmir bifurcation and new National Education Policy.
How online learning companies are using the Pandemic to take over classroom teaching
Experts warn the rush to outsource teaching to private companies is bad for students, teachers, and taxpayers.
Fighting for Black Lives at school
This is an incredibly challenging situation for teachers and the education system because we know how important in-person learning is. There’s no substitute for that online,” says Jesse Hagopian
Online Charter schools are not a solution to education in a pandemic
Nicholas Trombetta, the founder of Pennsylvania Cyber Charter School, which is unaffiliated with K12, received just 20 months in prison in 2018 for tax conspiracy after he moved $8 million from the school to a network of businesses he created and failed to pay $437,632 in taxes.
Contemporary relevance of Marxian economics
My goal is to write a textbook that can fulfill two purposes: first, a stand-alone book for courses that are focused on Marxian economics or survey courses that have a section devoted to Marxian economics; second, it will also be useful as a companion text in a course that is based on reading all of or major selections from Karl Marx’s Capital.
A victory for students and parents: SPLC, allies win case blocking DeVos from diverting COVID-19 relief funds away from public schools
A federal court has sent a clear message to U.S. Education Secretary Betsy DeVos: You cannot use a national crisis as an excuse to advance your education privatization agenda by siphoning desperately needed COVID-19 relief money away from public schools.
Remembering comrade and leftist academic David Graeber
His death was sudden and a shock to his students and the scores of people influenced by his ideas. In a world where most academics value theorizing over activism and choose to abstain from public protest, Graeber was vocal about his anti-capitalist and anti-imperialist views.
On Contact: Teaching of history as indoctrination
On the show this week, Chris Hedges discusses the teaching of history as a form of indoctrination with Professor James W. Loewen.
“Your Economics Professor Is Almost Certainly a Charlatan”
Mary Filippo began in 2004 to audit economics classes in the hope that she could “learn something about globalization. Does it really help people in developing countries? What are its downsides?” She did not learn these things.
Alba TV’s new model for communication: A conversation with Pablo Kunich
The coordinator of a media platform that works with social movements talks to VA about the history and challenges of popular communication.
In Commune: The Panal 2021 Commune (Part 2)
In this series, In Commune, Venezuelanalysis will explore different experiences of rural and urban communes to help better understand what these highly controversial bodies mean, how they have been put into practice, and what they could signify for the continuity of the Bolivarian Revolution in the current situation of political and economic imperialist aggression.
White House brands teachers “essential workers” to force reopening of schools
The comparison between teachers and meatpacking workers is highly significant and must be taken as a sharp warning by teachers and all education workers.
Mask-to-mask instruction may be more problematic than distance learning
People talk about the upcoming school year as if we have a choice between in-person classes or distance learning.
Corporate university—pandemic edition
Will colleges and universities reopen in the fall? That’s the question on the minds of many these day—administrators, faculty, staff, students, and their families, not to mention the communities in which they live.
#Unis4all: An Open Letter to the U.S. Higher Education Community
Universities can immediately bypass feckless state & federal legislatures & finance themselves directly with “Unis” supported by the Federal Reserve For a growing majority of outspoken administrators and faculty, the economic fallout associated with the Covid-19 crisis threatens to catapult U. S. higher education into a draconian age of austerity, layoffs, and closures. The question, […]