The war in Ukraine: Towards the collapse of the West’s reputation
After the bipolar world that existed from the end of the Second World War until the implosion of the Soviet Union in December 1991, the current conflict on the territory of Ukraine is the point of gravity in the process of transition between two great eras of contemporary history: the old—unipolar—that has lasted for the last 30 years and the new—multipolar—post-hegemonic, that came into being at the end of February 2022.
U.S. using Ukraine as disposal ground for banned cluster bombs: Colonel, Karen Kwiatkowski
Former Pentagon analyst and Air Force Lieutenant Colonel, Karen Kwiatkowski, points out the double standards in Western media’s portrayal of cluster bomb usage.
House votes down amendment to block cluster bomb shipments to Ukraine
As U.S. cluster munitions arrived in Ukraine, a bi-partisan vote struck down an effort to stop the internationally banned weapons’ transfer. Meanwhile, every House Democrat and a majority of Republicans voted down a measure to strip $300 million of Ukraine aid from the NDAA.
The war in Ukraine is the war for the dollar
Oleg Nesterenko: “Moscow has really threatened the status of the American dollar on the international stage, and therefore the whole American economy behind it.”
NATO/CIA false flag operation in Račak in 1999 set precedent for similar operations in Syria and Ukraine that were designed to create a pretext for military intervention
Clinton administration claimed Serbian forces massacred civilians when deaths at Račak resulted from fighting between Serbian Army and terrorist Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA), which Washington supported
Cluster bomb opponents ‘appalled’ by Biden becision to send banned weapons to Ukraine
President Joe Biden has reportedly given final approval for the transfer of U.S. cluster munitions to Ukraine, ignoring warnings from human rights groups and progressive lawmakers who underscored the indiscriminate weapons’ devastating impacts on civilians immediately upon use and far into the future.
Failed ‘counteroffensive’ in Ukraine as NATO prepares for summit, pressures Global South to toe a pro-war line
Monthly military situation report for June 2023, by Dmitri Kovalevich, in Ukraine, June 29, 2023.
Ukraine timeline tells the story
Without historical context, buried by corporate media, it’s impossible to understand Ukraine. Historians will tell the story. But the Establishment hits back at journalists, like at CN, who try to tell it now.
The liberal-imperialist view of the conflict in Ukraine
Wiktionary: ‘Carrying water’ is to to do someone’s bidding; to serve someone’s interests.
Declassified files expose British role in NATO’s Gladio terror armies
Newly declassified British files shed disturbing light on the origins and internal workings of Operation Gladio, a covert NATO plot deploying fascist terror militias across Italy. Have spies in London applied these lessons in Ukraine?
Habermas and the war in Ukraine
The prevailing rarefied ideological climate that Germany and most European countries are suffering from today makes a very cautious call for prudence and negotiation a criminal offense that deserves to be punished with ostracism.
U.S. admits defeat in war on Russia and China
Confronted with the realities of life the Biden administration has in the last days acknowledged defeat in two on its most egregious and delusional foreign policy games.
Why should the decision of the British government to send depleted uranium to Ukraine be condemned?
The British government failed to review history and acknowledge the damage that has been caused to countries and their people through the use of depleted uranium.
Russia won’t let Ukraine be bleeding wound
Russian President Vladimir Putin: “Kiev has lost 186 tanks, 418 armoured vehicles, losses mounting,” St. Petersburg, June 16, 2023
Ukrainian counteroffensive’s second week ends in failure
First and foremost, the counteroffensive gambit has failed.
The emergence of a new non-alignment: The Twenty-Fourth Newsletter
Governments that had long been pliant to the Triad’s wishes, such as the administrations of Narendra Modi in India and Recep Tayyip Erdoğan in Türkiye (despite the toxicity of their own regimes), are no longer as reliable.
Anti-war activists in Germany protest NATO’s ‘Air Defender 23’ military exercise
Around 10,000 military personnel and 250 aircraft from 25 countries are participating in NATO’s ‘Air Defender 23’ exercise scheduled from June 12-23. Anti-war groups have called it a provocation.
Professor Kees van der Pijl: “NATO and the EU will dissolve!”
How can we organise a global resistance to the criminal capitalist system and the devastating imperialism that has ravaged entire countries?
U.S. hopes to snatch victory from jaws of defeat in Ukraine
The G7 Leaders’ 2700-word statement on Ukraine, issued in Hiroshima after their summit meeting glossed over the burning question today–the so-called counter-offensive against the Russian forces.
European ‘strategic autonomy’ and the perception of reality
French President Emmanuel Macron’s statement in China about developing “strategic autonomy” from the United States is empty posturing intended for the domestic French market.