• Dossier no. 86: Imperialist War and Feminist Resistance in the Global South
    Dossier no. 86: Imperialist War and Feminist Resistance in the Global South

    In the Global South, women creatively resist the impact of unilateral coercive measures, a form of hyper-imperialist hybrid warfare that reinforces patriarchy and other forms of social discrimination.

    Harry Magdoff Memorial Library: The Hidden Library of Marx, Lenin, and Mao in Kathmandu
    Harry Magdoff Memorial Library: The Hidden Library of Marx, Lenin, and Mao in Kathmandu

    In the basement of Helping Hands Hospital in Kathmandu, Nepal, there is a meeting room. Its left and right sides are lined with stacks of large books, some with torn covers. These are rare books about Marx, Lenin, Stalin, and others. They sit like prisoners, yearning for readers to set them free. The place is known as Harry Magdoff Memorial Library.

    Trump’s Nationalist Conservative White Christian Agenda
    Trump’s Nationalist Conservative White Christian Agenda

    The Trump-orchestrated blitzkrieg exposition of a Nationalist Conservative White Christian Agenda raises a series of questions, including: What are the internal contradictions within the US ruling class that have given rise to recent developments? What are the underlying changes within the base and superstructure of the United States? What are the long-term ideological and political consequences on US foreign policy? How should the Global South respond?

    Condemn and Counter U.S. Imperialist Aggression and War in the Philippines
    Condemn and Counter U.S. Imperialist Aggression and War in the Philippines

    This month marks the 126th anniversary of the Philippine-American war and the start of U.S. imperialist domination in the Philippines. We call on all friends of the Filipino people and struggle to expose the ongoing U.S. imperialist war in the Philippines and counter it with all our might.

    Laughter and fears: Berlin Bulletin No. 231, February 18, 2025
    Laughter and fears: Berlin Bulletin No. 231, February 18, 2025

    For good people these are times to weep, rage and, above all, to fight back!
