• On The Rewriting of History
    On The Rewriting of History

    [Britannica's revisionist] distortions of the history of the Vietnamese struggle are just as radical and just as misleading [as those about the Soviet Union]. Here we may draw some valuable lessons about the hidden content of form: how apparently neutral principles of organization may shape meaning.

    Dossier no. 77: The Congolese Fight for Their Own Wealth
    Dossier no. 77: The Congolese Fight for Their Own Wealth

    The DRC’s vast mineral wealth contrasts with its extreme poverty, caused by exploitation and conflict. The dossier emphasises sovereignty and dignity, echoing Congolese activists' visions for freedom.

    What is the realistic strategy for “de-dollarisation”?
    What is the realistic strategy for “de-dollarisation”?

    As there can only be one price standard in any functioning economic system the transition from one price standard to another cannot take place gradually, or in a mixed way, but must take place sharply, and therefore completely in a very short time frame.

    Germany and Netanyahu: Berlin Bulletin No. 223, June 7, 2024
    Germany and Netanyahu: Berlin Bulletin No. 223, June 7, 2024

    Far from water-logged Bavaria, immensely worse destruction is bloodily wrecking two million lives, and with Germany, though so distant, deeply involved. Of course I mean Palestine, especially Gaza. For decades the media has distorted or ignored what has been happening there. After October 7th ignoring it was no longer possible, here or anywhere.

    The Black University Concept with Andrew J. Douglas
    The Black University Concept with Andrew J. Douglas

    Andrew J. Douglas, political theorist and professor of political science at Morehouse College, joins Money on the Left to discuss his latest article, “Modern Money and the Black University Concept,” published April 19, 2024, in Money on the Left: History, Theory, Practice. 
