• Dossier no. 78: How Latin America Can Delink from Imperialism
    Dossier no. 78: How Latin America Can Delink from Imperialism

    The latest Tricontinental dossier explores the possibilities that the current crisis of global capitalism creates for sovereign regional development projects in Latin America and the Caribbean and the importance of South-South alliances in this struggle.

    Helena Sheehan Opens the 2024 Red Flag Festival
    Helena Sheehan Opens the 2024 Red Flag Festival

    Socialist author and activist Helena Sheehan opened the 2024 Red Flag Festival with readings from her books and reflections on her life in the Labour movement that has spanned more than seven decades.

    John Bellamy Foster on Albert Einstein’s Radical Politics
    John Bellamy Foster on Albert Einstein’s Radical Politics

    A brilliant theoretical physicist best known for his theory of relativity, Albert Einstein was also a socialist. John Bellamy Foster describes Einstein’s radical political commitments, including his efforts in relation to the founding of Brandeis University, his role in the Henry Wallace campaign, and his seminal essay “Why Socialism?”

    A Life in the Law on the Left: The Life and Legacy of Comrade Martin Stolar
    A Life in the Law on the Left: The Life and Legacy of Comrade Martin Stolar

    Sam Falcone pays tribute to the great life of Martin Stolar. We at Monthly Review appreciated and loved him, and mourn his death.

    Squaring circles for peace and war: Berlin Bulletin No. 224, July 11, 2024
    Squaring circles for peace and war: Berlin Bulletin No. 224, July 11, 2024

    One can hate or admire any of the gentlemen now involved [in the push for peace in Ukraine]; I would endorse Satan himself if he could help end this God-awful war and move towards the urgently-needed peace in the area—and elsewhere.
