Archive | April, 2006

  • April 4, 1968

    April 4, 1968.  I was watching TV that Thursday night when a bulletin flashed across the screen.  Martin Luther King, Jr. was dead, shot dead in Memphis.  By the time I woke up the next morning to deliver papers, cities were on fire across the land.  The all-news radio station kept replaying part of a […]

  • Pinko Plague Panics President

    (PU) After years of government indifference to viral epidemics, President Bush today called an emergency press conference to launch a federal campaign against the “Human Altruist Virus,” which threatens to blight the nation. “Make no mistake,” stated the President, “this is a terrorist microbe.  Compared with HIV, which mostly kills people we don’t care about, […]

  • Business as Usual: Black Males Left Behind

    “I’m not going to sit at your table and watch you eat, with nothing on my plate, and call myself a diner.  Sitting at the table doesn’t make you a diner, unless you eat some of what’s on the plate.  Being here in America doesn’t make you an American. . . . I don’t see […]

  • Fighting Islamophobia: A Response to Critics

    Since my essay on the Danish cartoons was published on 21 February 2006, I have received dozens of emails supportive of my argument that racism has no place on the left.  Additionally, comments on the article posted on MRZine show that there are people willing to stand up against anti-Muslim bigotry.  However, what is deeply […]

  • Cohoes, New York: A Ghost of a Mill Town

    The city of Cohoes, in upstate New York.  Another former mill town, eking out a living who knows how. Harmony Mills Once, thousands of mill workers streamed in and out of Harmony Mills, its great brick walls looming over the cliff by the Cohoes Falls, where the Mohawk made its final plunge before meeting the […]

  • The Appeal of Resistance Fighters [L’appel des résistants]

    Ci-joint l’appel des résistants. On peut aussi trouver une vidéo en ligne de cet appel. http://www.alternatives- Ces images ont été tournées en réaction au refus de la publication de ce texte par les médias dominants. Vous pouvez diffuser ce lien sans modération. L’appel des résistants Au moment où nous voyons remis en cause le […]