Autoworker Activists Gathering

“From the Ashes of the Old . . . ”

The Center for Labor Renewal & the Solidarity Education Center

in conjunction with Soldiers of Solidarity, Future of the Union, FactoryRat, Labor Notes, and numerous rank-and-file committees of resistance,

. . . will sponsor a one-day meeting for all autoworker activists on the recent concessionary Big Three auto contracts.  The session will be an opportunity to analyze the economic and structural impact of the negotiations, to share experiences from the effort to mobilize opposition, and explore strategies and tactics for reclaiming unionism’s direction and rebuilding rank-and-file solidarity.

Location: University of Michigan-Flint
Harding Mott University Center – Michigan Rooms A & B
On Circle Dr. off Kearsley Street  (Bldg # 10 on campus map)
Time: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm

For those coming from some distance and needing overnight accommodations, reduced rate rooms are available at the Holiday Inn adjacent to the campus.  For reservations at the discounted rate of $69 per room, single or double occupancy, call Jerry Tucker at 314-968-5534.  (Holiday Inn map:

There is no cost for the meeting.  A small donation for lunch will be at participant option.

Download the handbill (in PDF) here.

For more information or questions, contact:

Gregg Shotwell, SOS
[email protected]
or Jerry Tucker, CLR/SEC
[email protected]