Voices for Peace: Iranian Americans against War


Schauleh Sahba is an Iranian American who lives in the San Francisco Bay Area.  This film is the final cut of a public service announcement about Iranian Americans that she made, featuring fifty Iranian Americans speaking up about who they are, what they believe in, and why they are against attacking Iran.  Her goal is to create three versions of her Iranian-American PSA (one without subtitles, one with English subtitles, and one with Persian subtitles) and air them on television as soon as possible.  If you support Sahba’s project and would like to contribute to it, email her at <voicesforpeacesf(at)gmail(dot)com> and ask PBS to air her PSA: <pbs.org/engage/blog/question-day-what-would-you-air-pbs>.  For more information, read Schauleh Sahba, “An Act of Peace,” Iranian.com, 15 May 2008, and visit <voicesforpeace.net>.

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