Action Boycott Israel in Montigny, Paris Region


This action was led by the New Anti-Capitalist Party (NPA), especially Omar Slaouti, who heads the NPA list in Île-de-France, as well as by Senator Alima Boumediene-Thiery (Greens), conducted in a clear, educational fashion, with the participation of many local politicians.  The NPA walks the walk, demonstrating that the call for the boycott of Israel, launched by the Palestinian civil society and Israeli dissidents, is an integral part of its campaign for respect for law and justice in the world, including the Middle East.

That is why EuroPalestine calls upon people to vote for the NPA in the next European elections and support the campaign of the candidates, like Omar Slaouti, who have the courage to put their words into practice.

See the video below.

The original article “ACTION BOYCOTT ISRAEL à Montigny, région parisienne : VIDEO” was published on the Web site of EuroPalestine on 11 May 2009.  Translation by Yoshie Furuhashi (@yoshiefuruhashi | yoshie.furuhashi [at]