October 24 Mobilizing Conference to Save Public Education


We have the power to stop the catastrophic budget cuts, fee hikes, and layoffs — but to save public education in California requires coordinating our actions on a statewide level.

We invite all UC, CSU, CC, and K-12 students, workers, teachers, and their organizations across the state to participate in and collectively build the October 24 Mobilizing Conference to Save Public Education.  The all-day conference will take place at UC Berkeley (contact us for more logistics).

The purpose of this conference is both simple and extremely urgent: to democratically decide on a statewide action plan capable of winning this struggle, which will define the future of public education in this state, particularly for the working-class and communities of color.

Why UC Berkeley?  On September 24, over 5,000 people massively protested and effectively paralyzed the UCB campus, as part of the UC-wide walkout.  A mass General Assembly of over 400 individuals and dozens of organizations met that night and collectively decided to issue this call.

We ask all organizations and individuals in the state who want to save public education to endorse this open conference and help us collectively build it.

  • Save public education!
  • No budget cuts, fee hikes, or layoffs!
  • For state-wide student, worker, and faculty solidarity!

Please contact [email protected] to endorse this conference and to receive more details.

Web site: <www.savecapubliceducation.org>.