“This is an embedded film. We decided to be ’embedded within the ambulances’ opening an imaginary dialogue with those journalists who embed themselves within armies.” — Alberto Arce
The To Shoot an Elephant Team Calls for a Global Screening-Global Screaming Day for Gaza on January 18th, 2010
The 18th of January 2010 is the first anniversary of the end to the bombing by Israel of the Gaza Strip: an attack which began on the 27th of December 2008, and lasted until the 18th of January 2009, and in which 1,412 Palestinians lost their lives. The documentary To Shoot an Elephant is an eyewitness account from within the Gaza Strip of what occurred during those days. This direct and privileged narration becomes a tool with which we can confront the Israeli propaganda about what really happened there and the silence of the international community.
Open Source Video — Open Source Screening
As well as its narrative and informative value, To Shoot an Elephant is an example of a collective, autonomous, and horizontal effort, which aims to innovate the ways in which audiovisual projects are carried out, as much in its production process as in its distribution. By opting, with deliberation, for the collective work process and Creative Commons licensing, our aim is for the documentary to overcome the limits of those who produce it and become the material of those who view it.
We, the To Shoot an Elephant team, are calling on any individual or group to organize a screening on the 18th of January 2010. It doesn’t matter where, at what time, or in what way it is done, the only condition being that there is no charge or entry fee.
We are calling it a Global Screening and our wish is for it to become a large-scale event, not only on the Net but also on a local level, and for it to become a reality in the form of antagonistic communication, constitute a victory over the existing international silence, and in so doing become a fundamental element of the networks and the diffusion of ideas.
How to Obtain the Film
The documentary can be obtained in two ways: the purchase of the DVD through the website www.toshootanelephant.com or by sending an email to [email protected]. We recommend that you place your orders as soon as possible so that all the copies can arrive at their destinations in time. Also, it will soon be available in Torrent, through a link which will be appearing on the documentary’s website.
As well as the audiovisual content, all kinds of promotional material will also be made available on the website for use by whoever needs it (posters, flyers, postcards. . .) and specific promotional material for web use, such as banners and blank posters.
Continuing with the initial philosophy of this project, we are also asking you, in turn, to communicate to us what takes place at the screenings, what is discussed and debated as a result of this event. We will open a direct line of communication on the web, so that all this information can be made available and, through its sharing, result in everyone feeling part of a larger collective force. We want to see you, hear you, and read about you all on the 18th of January.
For more information, visit toshootanelephant.com.