Thursday, January 21
7:30 pm
Brecht Forum
451 West Street (between Bank & Bethune Streets)
New York City
While the earthquake in Haiti has revealed the faultlines of United States intervention in the country since its founding in 1804, the relief efforts led by grassroots activists and organizations has opened up new political space for a lasting international solidarity with the Haitian people at their time of need.
Join us for an emergency teach-in on the Haitian crisis as we hear firsthand accounts of the earthquake, relief efforts, US policy, and the prospects for a new solidarity movement with the people of Haiti.
Ray Laforest is a Haitian-American labor leader.
Christian Lemoine is a Haitian-American activist.
David Wilson, a co-author of The Politics of Immigration, is a US-based activist who was in Haiti during the earthquake.
Free for Brecht Subscribers
For more information, contact the Brecht Forum: (212) 242-4201; or brechtforum at
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