In support of the students of the University of Puerto Rico (UPR) on strike against the $100 million budget cuts, elimination of tuition wavers, privatization, etc. . . .
¡Que vivan los estudiantes!
Note: The indefinite strike declared on the Río Piedras campus is on its 15th day today. The one declared in the Mayagüez campus is on its 4th day.
Roberto L. Soler is a student at the University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez Campus. Musical Arrangement: Vielo; Production: SIgma Records; Visual: Angel “Cora” Berrios; Artistic Participation: Roberto L. Soler, Orlando Cabrera, Angel “Cora” Berrios. Email: <[email protected]>; <[email protected]>. Phone: 787-964-4537; 939-645-2840. Web site: <>.
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