Ohio Senate Bill 5 to Be Voted on Wednesday — Show Your Opposition at the Statehouse


Against the strong will of Ohioans, the House Commerce and Labor Committee passed a version of Senate Bill 5 today that goes further in gutting the rights of workers and destroying the working middle class than the bill passed by the Senate.

This blatant assault on working families, orchestrated by Gov. Kasich and his political allies push a partisan political agenda, cannot stand.  Don’t let your voice go unheard before this bill gets voted on.

Here is what you can do to help kill this bill:

The House and Senate are expected to vote on the bill on Wednesday, March 30, so we need a strong presence at the Statehouse.  Join us in the Statehouse Atrium starting at 1 PM to show your opposition to the bill.  Even if you can’t make it by 1 PM, plan on coming down anytime before 6 PM.

Call your Representative at 1-888-218-5931 and tell him/her you oppose Senate Bill 5 because it does nothing to create jobs and is an attack on Ohio families and communities.

Now is your opportunity to make your voice heard.  Your actions have had an effect and we need you to continue to put pressure on your elected officials.

Please plan on joining us on Wednesday at the Statehouse starting at 1 PM or anytime before 6 PM.  And make sure before you come down to the Statehouse, you call your Representative at 1-888-218-5931 and let them know you oppose Senate Bill 5.

The Ohio AFL-CIO

P.S.  You can also send an email to your Representative asking him/her to oppose Senate Bill 5 by clicking here.

For more information, visit <www.ohaflcio.org>.


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