Ohio: Rally for Good Jobs, Strong Communities at the Statehouse Thursday!

After passing SB 5, Gov. Kasich and his political allies are focusing their attention on the proposed budget that would continue attacks on working families, eliminate tens of thousands of jobs and cut funding for services, like fire stations, schools, libraries, and more, that Ohioans depend on to keep their communities strong.

This Thursday, thousands of Ohioans rally on the West Lawn of the Statehouse at 5PM to take a stand against these assaults and demand good jobs and strong communities for all Ohioans.

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SB 5 was only the beginning of Gov. Kasich’s attempt to make Ohio into a playground for corporate CEOs and the wealthy to prosper while the rest of us struggle to make ends meet.

Just look at what he and other lawmakers are proposing:

  • Cut nearly 50% from local governments, which will force local elected officials to eliminate tens of thousands of jobs and/or close libraries, schools, fire stations, and other services or raise taxes.
  • Hand over prisons, including county jails, to for-profit corporations with spotty track records of quality and safety.
  • Cut healthcare for seniors and low-income Ohioans.
  • Eliminate nearly $2 billion in funding for K-12 schools, universities, and colleges.
  • Take away power from the Ohio Consumers’ Counsel to advocate for customers of utility companies.
  • Prohibit charter school workers, community-based correctional facilities employees, Capitol Square Review and Advocacy Board workers from having a voice on the job through collective bargaining.

These kinds of policies will not create good jobs or strengthen our communities.  Join us on Thursday at 5PM on the West Lawn of the Statehouse to demand lawmakers stop trying to balance the budget on the backs of the working and middle class.

Tim Burga
Ohio AFL-CIO President

P.S.  If you have not gotten a chance to sign a petition against SB 5, they will be circulated at the rally.  And don’t forget you can still sign up to be a petition gatherer.  Email [email protected] to sign up today!

For more information, visit <www.ohaflcio.org> and <standupforohio.org>.

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