Unchecked by consequences, a new authoritarianism is unfolding in India
The use of hate and arbitrary power and calculated killings by Hindu nationalists reveal an ominous disregard for democracy, a forewarning of what is to come.
The U.S. is trying to persuade China to commit suicide
The U.S. knows from its experience in defeating Germany, Japan, and the “Asian Tigers,” that a decisive way to slow a competitor’s growth rate is to get it to reduce its level of investment, which is what it is now trying to do to China.
Ukraine 2014: The Tipping Point of Terror
Part I of a CAM investigation into the origins of the Ukraine War: U.S. and NATO involvement in the February 2014 Coup and Maidan Massacre, and their historical antecedents.
The Second Cold War is more dangerous than the first
Americans have to ask themselves: Is it worth risking nuclear war—and an apocalyptic nuclear winter—for no loftier purpose than to maintain their country’s violently enforced grasp of overwhelming global power?
The indictment of Donald Trump: A politically bankrupt diversion
Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg is reportedly planning on leveraging this charge, which is a misdemeanor that has exceeded the statute of limitations, into a felony by arguing that the business records were falsified to cover up an illegal donation to Trump’s campaign, namely the money from Cohen to pay off Daniels.
What’s the problem with pensions?
The recent massive demonstrations against the Macron administration in France forcing through so-called pension reforms reveals the determined attempts of pro-capitalist governments in all the major economies to cut real wages when we are old and can no longer work.
My feminism is Trans inclusive
Attacks against Trans women are attacks against the women’s movement and the fight for better equality and justice.
On the Threshold of a New International Order
In the current global climate of conflict and division, it is essential to develop lines of communication and encourage exchange between China, the West, and the developing world.
Covering (up) antiwar protest in U.S. media
March 18 DC peace march almost completely blacked out in U.S. corporate media.
U.S. invites authoritarian far-right regimes to ‘Summit for Democracy’
The Joe Biden administration invited numerous authoritarian far-right leaders to the U.S. State Department’s so-called “Summit for Democracy”, including Israel’s Benjamin Netanyahu, Poland’s Andrzej Duda, India’s Narendra Modi, Italy’s Giorgia Meloni, and Pakistan’s coup regime.
IPCC’s conservative nature masks true scale of action needed to avert catastrophic climate change
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s (IPCC) synthesis report recently landed with an authoritative thump, giving voice to hundreds of scientists endeavouring to understand the unfolding calamity of global heating.
A common misconception about capitalism
THERE is a commonly-held view that while capitalism in its early stages brings about unemployment and hence an accentuation of poverty, this initial damage is subsequently reversed as it keeps growing
The first signs of an ecological class struggle in Germany
After years of rapprochement, Germany’s climate and labour movement are jointly going on strike to demand socio-ecological public infrastructure.
Stayed on Freedom w/ Dan Berger
Money on the Left presents a public conversation with Dan Berger about his important new book, Stayed on Freedom: The Long History of Black Power through One Family’s Journey (Basic Books, 2023). Berger’s Stayed on Freedom tells a new history of Black Liberation through the intertwined narratives of two grassroots organizers.