“Let them show the records!” has become the buzzword to refer to Venezuela and its recent electoral process. Nothing less could be expected from those who are the supporters, on the right and “left” of a bourgeois-democratic system for which the Bolivarian Revolution has become, for the last 35 years, an enemy to be destroyed.
“Yes, let them show the details!” some shout imperatively and repeat the Organization of American States (OAS) and all those collateral organizations of the empire, which are accomplices of wars and genocides in different parts of the world. With this simple expression, cradled in a gigantic operation of media terrorism, only broken by a few alternative media spaces, the intention is to express that, as the Venezuelan ultra-right wing said several months before the election,
there is going to be fraud.
From the indisputable victory of Nicolás Maduro by more than 700 thousand votes, and its consolidation by the National Electoral Council, which is the only body authorized to give the definitive word on what happened on July 28, the campaign of disregard of the Venezuelan popular sovereignty became a slogan. They began to repeat it like parrots, from the ultra-right, passing through the social democrats or faded “progressives,” including some presidents who, even if it is out of gratitude for all that Chávez and Maduro did for their countries, should not join the inquisitive wave. But not only that, even the butcher of a neighborhood in Colombia, the neighbor on the fifth floor in Montevideo, the concierge of that middle-class neighborhood in Sao Paulo, or the teenager in high school in any European country, to whom his Venezuelan classmate commented that Maduro “is a dictator and a murderer”; they all talked to someone about the famous “details.”
No more, no less. The world media tyranny played its hand, and the answer is what we see today. That anyone, anywhere, can take the pleasure of wanting to meddle in the internal politics of Venezuela, and that he does it, by acceptance or total ignorance, on the side of the fascist international. And furthermore, buying a lie of such depth, which is that of not wanting to recognize that in Venezuela, as in any country that has dignity and defends it, the last word is for its people, and the people have already expressed themselves in favor of Maduro’s reelection, reaffirming their loyalty to a revolutionary process initiated by Commander Hugo Chávez, also through the electoral process, in December 1998.
Of course, what is happening now is not a surprise. Especially when it comes from other similar operations, such as those who are turning the Russian Federation into the “murderers” of the Ukrainian Nazis, generating a worldwide campaign of “Russophobia” that even led to ridiculous prohibitions and even beatings and punishments of all kinds to those who opposed such barbarity. It is worth asking ourselves, what would happen if those who are now so concerned about an election in Venezuela were to agree to condemn, with the same force, Israel for its crimes against humanity against the Palestinian people. Of course, that is another matter, but coincidentally, those who orchestrate media terrorism operations by setting foot in Kiev, in Caracas or in Tel Aviv, are almost always with the same last names, be it Elon Musk, Zuckerberg or some of their disciples skilled in launching trolls or misrepresenting realities.
Now, what bothers them so much about liberated Venezuela is that they fear that Chavismo is here to stay. Precisely, that there is within the democratic canons that the system has prepared to control and rule. However, from the very moment Hugo Chavez buried the “moribund Constitution” of the Fourth Republic, a revolutionary process of direct democracy, popular participation, and step-by-step construction of Caribbean socialism was set in motion, which has caused so much displeasure to the empire and its allies. They cannot tolerate that a country, immensely powerful in natural wealth, should be allowed to self-determine itself, and from that moment on, everything has been done to overthrow Chavismo and thus initiating a new stage of recolonization as they are already doing in Argentina and other countries of the continent. But beyond the power they are deploying to disavow Maduro’s victory, including stoking the fire of a possible coup d’état, everything indicates that the move is going to backfire. First, because of Maduro and his victory, and that the people are willing to defend it in the streets, to the last consequence. If they do not believe it, let them try and they will see what they will find. And on the other hand, Bolivarian Venezuela is not alone, it already is feeling the support of China, Russia, Cuba, Nicaragua, Bolivia, and almost all the countries of the Third World, Africa and Asia, since precisely the latter are reflected in Venezuela by all the evils they have also suffered, throughout centuries, by imperialism.
Furthermore, in the same way that it is necessary to reinforce the actions of solidarity with the Palestinian people, denouncing the criminal actions of Zionism, with the same strength we must also enforce the unrestricted defense of the Venezuelan revolutionary process, the triumph of Maduro and the repudiation of all those expressions that, coincide with the fascism of Milei, the Bolsonaros or their bosses in Washington or Tel Aviv, who all want to turn the Caribbean country into a branch of the empire.
Finally, when very soon, the Venezuelan Justice, to which the reelected president has subordinated himself to, says its last word on the results, and they prove what the people celebrated for the same night of the 28th in front of the Miraflores Palace, what else will the inquisitors of the Revolution ask for then? Will they accept that there is only one reality and not the one they are trying to create by disruption, or will they continue to feed the war against a country that, like Cuba, is a true example of a different world?
The answer is well known, and that is why, in this opportunity, as in so many others, there is no middle path or “third way.” Either one is with Bolivarian Venezuela or one chooses to kneel before the murderers who stimulate internal and external violence in the country of Bolivar and Chavez.
Source: Resumen Latinoamericano