| Colombian President Gustavo Petro standing in front of the flag of Colombia and giving a speech at a podium File photo | MR Online Colombian President Gustavo Petro standing in front of the flag of Colombia and giving a speech at a podium. (File photo: Orinoco Tribune)

U.S. attacks President Petro for denouncing genocide in Gaza

Originally published: Orinoco Tribune on September 22, 2024 by Randolf Borges (Últimas Noticias) (more by Orinoco Tribune)  | (Posted Sep 24, 2024)

The United States (U.S.) once again confirmed itself as the main defender of Israel’s genocidal actions, in the face of any criticism of the crimes it is committing against the Palestinian people. This time, it has attacked Colombian President Gustavo Petro, who it has accused of being anti-Semitic for his statements against the Zionist entity’s genocide in Gaza.

The U.S. Special Envoy for Monitoring and Combating Anti-Semitism, Deborah Lipstadt, once again criticized the Colombian leader for his firm stance against the actions of the occupying regime against the Palestinian people, which Petro and many other world leaders have described as genocide.

Lipstadt said in a post on social media,

President Gustavo Petro’s continued rhetoric normalizes anti-Semitism. We cannot accept it, we cannot tolerate it. We must condemn these harmful narratives.

The U.S. official’s interventionist statements were accompanied with another post by the U.S. embassy in Bogota in which it translated Lipstadt’s statements.

Lipstadt added in another post,

Comparing any current action, particularly by Israel, with the systematic annihilation of the Nazi extermination camps is deeply offensive. Legitimate concern for human rights in Gaza must be separated from erroneous and anti-Semitic historical references.

The Colombian head of state did not take long to respond, and through social media replied to the U.S. diplomat: “Madam ambassador. The Palestinians are Semites according to the Bible, since the word Semite designates the descendants of Shem and their language,” said Petro, who pointed out that it is the Zionist entity that is being anti-Semitic with its actions in Gaza.

He added categorically that, “It is anti-Semitic to kill children by throwing bombs in Gaza and not to oppose it,” after which he again used figures such as Adolf Hitler or referenced the Jewish Holocaust to compare it with the inhumane massacre that the Zionist entity is currently committing in the Gaza Strip and allover the region, including Lebanon, Syria, and Yemen.

Petro was blunt when he declared in the same post that “I am not anti-Semitic, do not confuse but respect me. I am not anti-Jewish, I believe in freedom of religion and if I had been born in that era I would have given my life in the armed resistance against the Nazis.”

The Colombian president concluded his response to the attack by the U.S. government by focusing on those responsible for the current Palestinian Holocaust:

Mr. Netanyahu and his government, the criminal charged by international justice, is not Semitism, it is Nazism.

Translation: Orinoco Tribune

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