UNICEF: ‘Israel’ massacred over 50 children in Jabalia in 2 days
UNICEF Executive Director Catherine Russell has described the killing of children as another “dark chapter” in the ongoing Israeli aggression on Gaza.
Novichok show trial suffers sudden death shot from doctor’s testimony that government officials sedated the Skripals to stop them talking
The British Government was exposed in the Dawn Sturgess Inquiry this week as keeping Sergei and Yulia Skripal unconscious to silence them.
A world where our grandchildren have to go to a museum to see what a gun looked like: The Forty-Fourth Newsletter (2024)
The world yearns for ‘active’ peace, tired of the attitude of superiority that defines the North’s relations with the South. This means that wealth, which is produced by society, must not deepen the pockets of the rich and fuel the engines of war, but fill the bellies of the many.
Weaponizing aid: How USAID and the Global Fragility Act sustain U.S. imperialism in Libya
On Friday, April 29, 2022, USLBA hosted a meeting with U.S. officials and U.S. corporate executives to discuss the implementation of the Global Fragility Act in Libya to “prevent conflict and promote stability”. Photo: The U.S.-Libya Business Association
Frantz Fanon and the struggle against colonisation
With a constant stream of media exposing genocidal war in Palestine, child labor in the Congo, and Indigenous struggles in South America, neoliberalism’s colonial nature is clearer than ever. Now is the time to return to the works of Fanon and explore a radically different future liberated from coloniality, Ken Olende explores.
187 Countries demand an end to the U.S. blockade against Cuba
Once again, the United States and Israel voted against the lifting of arbitrary sanctions against the Cuban people.