Bernie’s statement about the election
It should come as no great surprise that a Democratic Party which has abandoned working class people would find that the working class has abandoned them.
The manufactured ‘pogrom’: Weaponizing chaos in Amsterdam
The western world and mainstream media have once again jumped on an opportunity to conflate anti-Zionism with antisemitism after Israeli football hooligans, protected by the Mossad, wreaked havoc on the streets of Amsterdam, deliberately provoking a harsh response.
Will AI take over the world and all our jobs?
The general belief is that we already have or are on the cusp of creating machines that possess human-like intelligence which will be able to accomplish most tasks that humans can do, making a lot of us redundant and taking away a whole range of employment opportunities.
We don’t want our Islands to be used to kill people: The Forty-Fifth Newsletter (2024)
Across the Pacific, Indigenous communities lead a growing wave of sovereignty against ongoing legacies of Western colonialism in the region, from the assault on Māori rights in Aotearoa to the US and French military presence in wider Oceania.
How an obscure Michigan State professor who worked for the CIA played a leading role in facilitating U.S. intervention in Vietnam
Ngo Dinh Diem, South Vietnam’s premier from 1954 to 1963, was a Cold War version of Volodymyr Zelensky, an American-subsidized ruler who was fawned upon by leading U.S. politicians and the U.S. media despite causing the ruin of his own country.
Trump wins: What is next for America and the World
Donald J. Trump is president yet again, and while the focus must shift toward the future, the only rational response to Trump’s victory is radical action.
What was it that Trump knew that Harris didn’t?
John Rees on why Trump won.
Israel bars soldiers from going to the Netherlands after pro-genocide mob sparks street violence
Clashes erupted after Israeli football fans chanted slurs against Arabs, interrupted the moment of silence held for the Valencia flood victims, and violated private property across the city by tearing down Palestinian flags.
The Kazan summit of BRICS
The BRICS declaration presumes that the international institutions in their current state are flawed because they are dominated by imperialist countries and are not representative enough; but they are flawed because their very essence is flawed, no matter how they are governed.
Brett Christophers on our growing ‘asset-manager society’
Many people now live in homes and rely on infrastructure that are owned by pension funds, insurance companies, and banks.
How Trump won and what Black people should do
Donald Trump’s victory over Kamala Harris must be a wake up call to Black people. The Democratic Party is a dead end and a movement killer. Our survival depends on getting that corrupt wing of the duopoly out of our lives and out of our politics.
The EU must change course on Ukraine, or risk breaking itself apart
The EU seems convinced to not only continue, but to increase its effort to escalate the war in Ukraine. No one seems to be able to understand the consequences.
Israel’s war on Lebanon’s history and heritage
Israel isn’t just fighting Hezbollah. It intentionally seeks to eradicate Lebanon’s rich cultural heritage and collective history, aiming to raise the Lebanese cost of supporting the resistance and reshape the state’s political and demographic fabric.
What is Homelander doing in Venezuela?
VA columnist Andreína Chávez raises alarms about the escalating threats of mercenary invasions in Venezuela, pointing to the role the U.S. has played.
When lights go out in Cuba, media blame communism—not U.S. sanctions
For the last six decades, Cuba has been on the receiving end of myriad sanctions by the United States government. This blockade has proved devastating to human life.
Einstein opposed Zionist colonization in Palestine and predicted the current catastrophe
His views on Israel and Zionism were concealed and distorted for decades.
The Valencia floods have one clear culprit: Capitalism
Capitalism and Spain’s right wing parties are responsible for Valencia flooding deaths.
The evil warmongering Zionist won (no not that one, the other one)
Turns out campaigning on the promise of continuing a genocide while courting endorsements from war criminals like Dick Cheney is not a great way to get progressives to vote for you.
Is “lawfare” at work in the U.S.?
Simply put, lawfare is war by other means that achieves conquest using laws and judges instead of bombs and bullets.
Fascism, from The Theory of Capitalist Development
Unearthing the chapter on fascism from Paul Sweezy’s The Theory of Capitalist Development (Monthly Review Press, January 1942).