| Minister Angel Prado Photo Primicias Venezuela | MR Online Minister Angel Prado. Photo: Primicias Venezuela.

Minister Prado: Venezuela’s Popular Government System seeks to consolidate the structure of the commune

Originally published: Orinoco Tribune on February 25, 2025 by Ángel Prado (more by Orinoco Tribune)  | (Posted Feb 27, 2025)

Venezuela’s Minister for Communes and Social Movements Ángel Prado affirmed this Tuesday that the aim of the Popular and Communal Government System is to consolidate the entire structure of the commune.

“We seek to consolidate, from the territory, the entire structure of the commune, and that involves achieving a centrality in the information by not allowing it to be felt that, in the territory, the institutions are dispersed, each one with its plan,” said Prado during the program Al Aire, broadcast by Venezolana de Televisión.

Prado explained that the purpose of the system is to apply six transformations from each committee of the community. With the first transformation (referred to as 1T), the commune expresses itself through the economic committees, the communal banks, the cooperatives, the companies of direct communal property, and all the productive activities of the communities. “They will form the economic team of the communes and the communal circuit,” he said.

Regarding the second transformation (2T), he stated that it refers to the consolidation of the direct democracy of the people and added that there are the housing committees for transformations of the most humane cities, with guarantees of peace with the judges, the communal police, the people’s guard, and the Bolivarian Militia, which is governed by the third transformation of “peace, security, and territorial integrity.”

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