What if Everyone on Campus Understood Money?: A Response to Chronicle of Higher Ed Columnist Allison Vaillancourt
Let’s give credit where it’s due: After experiencing decades of neoliberal austerity and serving for nearly as long as pawns in tiresome culture wars, public higher education workers know all too well how the money works on our campuses and in our states. Students and alumni are the major sources of revenue; graduate workers and […]
#Unis4all: An Open Letter to the U.S. Higher Education Community
Universities can immediately bypass feckless state & federal legislatures & finance themselves directly with “Unis” supported by the Federal Reserve For a growing majority of outspoken administrators and faculty, the economic fallout associated with the Covid-19 crisis threatens to catapult U. S. higher education into a draconian age of austerity, layoffs, and closures. The question, […]