About Kamran Nayeri
In a sense, every human being is in search of her place in the world. Mine has taken me through socialism, that I began to discover in 1971, to ecological socialism, that I have begun to help define since 2009 in my own writings and by selection of posts in Our Place in the World: A Journal of Ecosocialism (OPITW). My view of ecological socialism has been inspired by those who like Henry David Thoreau believe that "In wildness is the preservation of the world." In June 2017, I collected my own writings from OPITW and established Kamran Nayeri’s writings blog to facilitate their access to anyone interested. To contact me about my own writings write to
[email protected] and for editorial issues about OPITW to
[email protected]. Since October 2018, Julie Callahan has joined OPITW as the Associated Editor. Please, welcome Julie. Thank you for your interest in ecocentric socialism, my own view of ecological socialism which stands apart from all hereto anthropocentric socialist and ecosocialist theories. To save the world, we must love it--Mother Earth and web of life of which we are a tiny part.