Emerging Markets Confront QE2: Capital Controls, Reserve Accumulation, or Both?
Paul Jay: You recently wrote a piece in the Guardian. The title is “Who Pays the Bill for the Fed’s QE2? By Depressing US Interest Rates, Quantitative Easing Forces Developing Countries to Defend Their Currencies at Crippling Cost.” What do you mean by that? Kevin P. Gallagher: One of the unintended effects of QE2 […]
US-China Investment Treaty: A Threat to Stability and Growth in China
Under the radar screen at the US-China Strategic and Economic Dialogue (SE&D) last month, the US and China continued to discuss a bi-lateral investment treaty (BIT). If the final negotiated text looks like the majority of US BITs it could threaten financial stability and economic growth in China. The US and China began negotiations toward […]