Fintan O’Toole’s Own Cultural Revolution
Fintan O’Toole. Enough Is Enough: How to Build a New Republic. Faber. £12.99. Suppose you were swept to power on the back of a massive popular vote — say something like 80%, the kind of number that usually has the USA and its client states jumping up and down and calling you a leftist narco-terrorist. […]
A Citizen’s Manifesto for the 2011 Election
For each of the past two elections I have published my Citizen’s Manifesto. The idea is that anyone could print it off and hand it to either of the government parties if they come to the door. Here’s my new version for 2011. It’s a substantial modification since the last election — a certain amount […]
A New Proclamation
Poblacht na h Éireann™ The Temporary Government To the people of Anglo-Ireland™ IRISHMEN AND IRISHWOMEN: In the name of Mammon and of the dead generations from which she receives her old tradition of subservience, we declare the name of this country to be Anglo-Ireland™, and through us, Anglo-Ireland™ summons her children to aid her banks […]