Trump’s Nationalist Conservative White Christian Agenda
The Trump-orchestrated blitzkrieg exposition of a Nationalist Conservative White Christian Agenda raises a series of questions, including: What are the internal contradictions within the US ruling class that have given rise to recent developments? What are the underlying changes within the base and superstructure of the United States? What are the long-term ideological and political consequences on US foreign policy? How should the Global South respond?
U.S. dooms itself to defeat in peaceful competition with China
Superficially in the recent period the U.S. has attempted to display two apparently contradictory sides of its policy to China.
So-Called “Peak China” Is Simply a Western Campaign for China to Commit Economic Suicide
Despite the fact that China’s economy continues to far outgrow all major Western economies the Western media is energetically promoting a myth that China’s economy either has or is about to drastically slow down.
The U.S. is trying to persuade China to commit suicide
The U.S. knows from its experience in defeating Germany, Japan, and the “Asian Tigers,” that a decisive way to slow a competitor’s growth rate is to get it to reduce its level of investment, which is what it is now trying to do to China.
Consequences and Lessons of the New U.S. Bank Collapses
The collapse in rapid succession of Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank confirms the extremely damaging character of U.S. stimulus policies.
An interpretation of the CPC’s 20th congress report: the western media’s omertà on the China model of modernization and its disingenuous response to the CPC’s self-revolution
The Western media, due to their own bias, have either ignored or maliciously misinterpreted General Secretary Xi Jinping’s recently published report on the just concluded 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC). All peace-loving and progressive people who are concerned about the world should cross these barriers of bias and carefully interpret this important report.
Why the U.S. failed to control COVID-19: incompetence, class violence, deception, and lies
The United States (together with its Western allies) always tries to tell China what to do in managing COVID-19 outbreaks, and since the whole city of Shanghai was under lockdown, the U.S. media seems to have even more reasons to criticize China’s anti-virus policy.