Canadian political prisoner, Yves Engler
On dozens of occasions I’ve responded to Kurtz’ racist, violent anti-Palestinian posts on X. Six weeks ago I wrote an article..
122 years of U.S. imperialism in Guantánamo: From torture to migrant detention
Donald Trump’s expansion of migrant detention in Guantánamo Bay follows years of torture. Meanwhile, the people of Cuba have always fought for their land to be freed from U.S. imperialism.
Canadian hands in Congo drip with the blood of millions
Ottawa has stayed silent on Rwandan aggression while continuing to back Africa’s most ruthless regime led by Paul Kagame.
Syria’s fall and anti-imperialist lessons
The fall of Syria was a serious strike against the Axis of Resistance, but all is not lost.
The geopolitical evolution of Pentalasia
The evolution of the Pentalasia has been and continues to be central in defining the Middle East and the entire geopolitical Rimland. To whom the control of Pentalasia will go, will probably go the control of the entire Rimland.
Three women, three perspectives on the division in MAS
In “the street”, in friends’ meetings, in the press… everywhere the population wonders about the veracity, depth and state of the division within the Movement Towards Socialism (MAS).
A massacre within a massacre: How journalists reporting on Gaza deaths are being targeted
Over 160 media workers have been killed and 60 detained as the methodical destruction of the brutalized Strip continues.
Why Brazil opposes Venezuela’s BRICS membership
The 16th Summit of the BRICS organization is taking place this week in the Russian city of Kazan. President Nicolás Maduro was invited by the Russian president himself, Vladimir Putin, at the beginning of August, and is attending with a Venezuelan delegation.
Could the Sahel Alliance divide Africa?
Africa continues to rise up and delivers surprises. In recent days, several African leaders have made diplomatic trips that are reshaping the geometries of the international chessboard. The SAHEL Alliance states are charting a watershed that could divide Africa in two and determine a new historical course for the entire continent.
Why does the U.S. still control every penny of Iraqi oil revenues?
Washington has maintained control over Iraq’s oil revenues since its illegal 2003 invasion–a financial and economic subjugation that undermines Iraqi sovereignty and denies it access to its own national treasure.
Southern Command launches an attack on China and Russia in Latin America
Laura Richardson, leader of the U.S. military’s Southern Command, recently called for the development of a new “Marshall Plan”, aimed at Latin America to counter the growing influence of Russia and China in the region.
The return of the Condor: Signs of a Latin America under siege
Argentina woke up on September 2 with the University of the Mothers (UNMA) fenced off and surrounded by members of the national police, who prevented workers from accessing the center.
Declaration of the 11th Extraordinary Summit of Heads of State and Government of ALBA-TCP
Being the sister Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela a founding member country of the ALBA-TCP, a unionist project, envisioned by the Liberator Simón Bolívar and the heroes of the independence deeds of Latin America and the Caribbean and realized by Commanders Hugo Rafael Chávez Frías and Fidel Castro Ruz; the member countries of this great Alliance acknowledge that this kind Our American nation is a sovereign and independent country, with high democratic standards, which, in compliance with its sacred Constitution, organized presidential elections, in accordance with the corresponding regulatory times.
Planning crimes: 2024 NATO Summit’s agenda
This year’s NATO Summit was a show of the West’s commitment to warmongering and its plans to wreak havoc around the world to maintain its dominance.
Luxembourg goes to war
Little Luxembourg has concluded a “security agreement” with the American puppet of Ukraine, Zelensky. This astonishing event might call to mind the foreign policy of The Grand Duchy of Fenwick.
General Assembly endorses pathway for full Palestinian Statehood
“We want peace, we want freedom,” Palestinian UN Ambassador, Riyad Mansour, told the General Assembly before the vote. “A yes vote is a vote for Palestinian existence; it is not against any state… It is an investment in peace.”
Why Niger declared U.S. Military presence in its territory illegal
Niger declared the U.S. military deployment in its territory “illegal” on Saturday, March 16, after a U.S. delegation allegedly threatened “retaliation” against the largest country in West Africa for its ties with Russia and Iran.
After 25 years the revolution is still standing
If history is not reduced to a museum, dates and anniversaries remind of the struggle of the oppressed classes, which have built or suffered its courses and resources. If history is not reduced to parody, it celebrates moments and figures who interpreted its meaning by anticipating leaps and ruptures and adds new pages to the book of the future. And new flags are raised.
Through the “Bolivar Act” U.S. congressmen intend to tighten the blockade against Venezuela
The U.S. political class continues to apply its economic and financial gunboat diplomacy disguised as progressive humanitarianism.
Trilateral Missile Defense System a step towards Asian NATO
The Biden Administration extols the Camp David Agreement as a qualitative leap forward in the US, Japan, and South Korea military cooperation.