At my Texas prison, solitary confinement all but guarantees sexual exploitation by guards
Prison journalist Kwaneta Harris on “the hole” at Lane Murray Unit: “It is not uncommon for guards to withhold food unless we take our shirts off.”
Why firing the prison guards involved in Robert Brooks’ death is neither quick nor easy
Our investigation in 2023 exposed how New York’s discipline system failed to hold abusive guards to account.
Sending unarmed responders instead of police: What we’ve learned
There are more than 100 response teams nationwide, but experts say more research on their impact is needed.
‘A crazy system’: How arbitration returns abusive guards to New York prisons
Over a 12-year span, three out of every four state correctional officers fired for abuse or covering it up got their jobs back.
A prison medical company faced lawsuits from incarcerated people
The prison giant Corizon spun off a new company, which could allow it to pay pennies on the dollar for medical malpractice and civil rights claims.
‘Concrete Coffins’: Surviving extreme heat behind bars
Record temperatures in much of the U.S. threatening more people in prisons.