To best understand inequality, think class, not generation
Our age cohorts don’t tell the full story.
The Transit Equity Movement wins their biggest Zero Fare victory yet
A racial justice-focused community organizing group led the charge for Albuquerque’s free bus fare policy.
Inside Southwest’s horrific holidays
Blame the wealthy, not the weather.
Why the Great Migration did little to bridge the Great Racial Divide
Real and lasting economic opportunities for Black families will come only through a serious national reckoning on race.
Inequalities are shaping how we’re fighting the Pandemic — and how we’ll remember it
COVID-19 infections in most countries have been hugely underestimated—not least because rich countries bought almost all the tests.
If the minimum wage had increased as much as Wall Street bonuses since 1985, it would be worth $44 today
The 2020 bonus pool for 182,100 securities industry employees could pay for more than 1 million jobs paying $15 per hour for a year.
Who are the 10 biggest pandemic profiteers?
One year after the COVID-19 pandemic began, U.S. billionaires have made out like gangbusters at the expense of workers.
Taxes on the rich: One-sixth of what they used to be
A new IPS briefing paper highlights the unique role of tax policy in wealth concentration.
Global inequality in a time of climate emergency
Our worlds richest have a great deal of money. They also have the power to decide whether our civilization sinks or swims. So what can we do?
Confronting Climate Change in a deeply unequal world
The global reaction to two landmark new reports suggests the world could well lose that confrontation.
This year’s real Halloween horror
The Mars family has made billions selling us M&Ms, Snickers, and countless other Halloween treats for a century now. But when it comes to paying tax, the Mars family seems to be all tricks and no treats.