•  | A bipedal robot is tested at the Boston Dynamics laboratory | MR Online

    Contesting the idea of progress: Labor’s AI challenge

    The material changes ushered in under the aegis of artificial intelligence (AI) are not leading to the abolition of human labor but rather its degradation. This is typical of the history of mechanization since the dawn of the industrial revolution. Instead of relieving people of work, employers have deployed technology—even the mere idea of technology—to […]

  •  | Senate Democrats | MR Online

    The Green New Deal’s magical realism

    The half-measures and failed “market mechanisms” of the mainstream more “unrealistic” than the bold plans put forward by the Green New Deal. The arc of the moral universe may bend towards justice, but that won’t mean very much if, within just a few decades, the planet can no longer sustain life as we know it.