•  | Data Household financial liabilities decline sharply in 2019 20 factlyin | MR Online

    Two alternative growth paradigms

    Nobody can claim that the rate of growth of agricultural production, especially of food grain production, has been higher in the neoliberal period than during the years of dirigiste development that preceded it; it may have been somewhat lower but let us agree that it is certainly no higher.

  •  | Donald Trump Photo Dominique A Pineiro  CC BY 20 | MR Online

    Impossible for a president of the imperialist U.S. to be a peacemaker

    ON Friday, February 28, when U.S. President Donald Trump sat in the Oval Office of the White House with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, Trump mused: ‘I hope I will be remembered as a peacemaker’.

  •  | US | MR Online

    Imperialism’s revival strategy

    The Trump strategy for the revival of imperialism amounts to having one’s cake and eating it too.


    The worldwide assault on working people

    The official hope is that the workers’ bargaining strength gets sufficiently lowered by having greater unemployment so that they cannot bargain for higher money wages to compensate for the price-rise, because of which inflation would eventually peter out.

  •  | US President Donald Trump addresses the 74th session of the United Nations General Assembly Tuesday Sept 24 2019 AP PhotoRichard Drew | MR Online

    The inhumanity engendered by capitalism

    While it is certainly true that Trumpism is not identical with capitalism per se, it would be a mistake to see Trumpism as a completely separate and alien phenomenon.

  •  | India Economic Growth 2024   Dyann Yolane | MR Online

    From export-led to consumption-led growth?

    A CHORUS of “establishment” voices, from consultancy firms to the financial press, has been demanding a boost to domestic consumption as a means of reviving the flagging growth rate of the Indian economy. The latest to join this chorus is the Reserve Bank of India which in its latest Bulletin has asked for a boost to consumption to “rekindle the animal spirits” of the “entrepreneurs” in the economy.

  •  | Tailor President McKinley measures an obese Uncle Sam for larger clothing while Anti Expansionists like Joseph Pulitzer unsuccessfully offer Sam a weight loss elixir As the nation increased its imperialistic presence and mission many like Pulitzer worried that America would grow too big for its own good John S Pughe Declined With Thanks in Puck September 5 1900 Wikimedia | MR Online

    Economic response to U.S. imperialism

    U.S. imperialism in short believes that it can do whatever it likes, that it is a law unto itself.

  •  | Wikipedia Foreign policy of the Donald Trump administration   Wikipedia | MR Online

    Trump’s threat of a tariff wall

    All this however is still in the realm of mere possibilities; what is more certain is the 10 per cent tax on global imports and the 60 per cent tax on imports from China.

  •  | Despite Modi corruption is the order of the day both in private and public sectors | MR Online

    Disempowering the people

    The aim of all fascistic governments is to disempower the people; and the Modi government is no exception.

  •  | Plastic Pollution | MR Online

    UN Global Plastics Treaty talks fail

    A fast track effort underway since 2022 aiming to forge a global Treaty to control plastic pollution by regulating all aspects of the life cycle failed at the fifth, and hoped for last, UN Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee Meeting (INC-5) held in Busan, South Korea, on 25 November – 1 December 2024 under the aegis of the UN Environmental Programme (UNEP).

  •  |  | MR Online

    The Hegemony of the Dollar

    Liberal opinion holds that the international monetary and financial system is a device for promoting the interests of all participating countries by providing a convenient payments arrangement within which trade can be carried on. The reality however is altogether different: the international system is founded upon the hegemony of western imperialism, and in turn sustains this hegemony.

  •  | Neoliberalism | MR Online

    Neoliberalism and before

    KARL Marx had once said that all criticism must begin with the criticism of religion.

  •  | Socialism   The Best Economic System   Gaias Homes | MR Online

    Defining socialism

    The CJI refrained from giving “socialism” an institutional character. All over the world the term “socialism” has been taken to mean social ownership of the means of production, at least of the key means of production; but the CJI, defining “socialism” in terms of outcome rather than the institution of ownership suggested that private enterprise was not incompatible with “socialism”; what really mattered was the creation of a welfare state ensuring equality of opportunity for all citizens.

  •  | Mereka sudah memiliki kekayaan yang melimpah ruah untuk dihabiskan di sepanjang usia mereka | MR Online

    Fiscal transfers to capitalists

    It is common for governments these days to provide fiscal transfers to capitalists, whether through reduced corporate tax rates, or by providing direct cash subsidies, to encourage greater investment by them and thereby stimulate the economy. During Donald Trump’s first presidency there had been a cut in corporate tax rate with this objective in mind. In India the Modi government, as is well-known, has given massive tax concessions with the same objective.

  •  | The Nature of Public Opinion   American Government | MR Online

    The crisis of Liberalism

    The political philosophy of classical liberalism, which provided the basis for liberal political praxis, was sustained by a long tradition of bourgeois economic thought, straddling both classical political economy and neo-classical economics.

  •  | Why havent robots taken our jobs The Complementarity Effect | MR Online

    Will AI take over the world and all our jobs?

    The general belief is that we already have or are on the cusp of creating machines that possess human-like intelligence which will be able to accomplish most tasks that humans can do, making a lot of us redundant and taking away a whole range of employment opportunities.

  •  | Wealth and poverty And to all a good night | MR Online

    The dialectics of wealth and poverty

    THIS year’s Nobel Prize in economics (the Riksbank Prize to be more precise) has been awarded to three U.S.-based economists for their research into what promotes or hinders the growth of wealth among nations; and they assign a crucial role to institutions, arguing that western institutions like electoral democracy are conducive to growth.

  •  | A meeting of experts on measuring poverty and income inequality was held | MR Online

    How not to measure poverty

    Several international organisations are now engaged in the business of measuring what they call “poverty”.

  •  | Suwandi I 2019 Value Chains The New Economic Imperialism New York Monthly Review Press | MR Online

    Imperialism’s striving for expansion

    The further development of the centralisation of capital, leading to its consolidation, has on the one hand muted inter-imperialist rivalry, since capital now wants the entire world, not broken up into spheres of influence of rival powers, as the domain for its unrestricted movement; on the other hand it has also led to an attempt on the part of now-united imperialism to reassert its hegemony over the territories that had broken off from it earlier.

  •  | Democracy in America from the Early Republic to the Jacksonian Era | MR Online

    The bizarre state of Western democracy

    The policies favoured by the ruling class in other words are being pursued despite public opinion being palpably and systematically opposed to them.