I witnessed an alternative to the U.S. homelessness crisis in socialist Cuba
Within the United States, homelessness has become a permanent feature of the capitalist system, and around 650,000 U.S. residents sleep on the streets on any given night.
Banks give $7tln to fossil fuel firms since Paris deal: Report
Leading states that met to reduce carbon emissions are home to some of the world’s top 60 banks. Among these, US banks are the largest fossil fuel financiers, while London-based Barclays leads in Europe.
Western arms supplies to Ukraine prevent peaceful solutions
Margaret Kimberley, Executive Editor of Black Agenda Report, was invited to brief the United Nations Security Council on May 20, 2024, as a civil society representative. The subject of the meeting was weapons supplies to Ukraine as a threat to peace and security.
Neo-liberalism has increased mass poverty
It is not a difficult proposition to substantially reduce poverty through redistributive measures. About one tenth of India’s GDP would need to be devoted to providing adequate food for the population, basic and comprehensive healthcare, compulsory free education, employment guarantee and old age pension; for which additional taxation of 7 per cent of GDP that the rich and super-rich can easily bear, would be needed. Combined with vigorous implementation of the existing National Food Security Act 2013 and the MG National Rural Employment Guarantee Act, genuine large-scale reduction of poverty would result
The billionaires and establishment officials unleashing violence against the student movement
Behind the efforts of the powerful to unleash chaos against students protesting for Palestine.
Ian Angus’s “The War Against the Commons”: A vital new history of the bloody rise of capitalism
Primitive accumulation is the historical process through which capitalists stole their wealth or took it by force. Canadian ecosocialist Ian Angus has contributed an excellent new book on this history, covering the violent transition from feudalism to capitalism in depth while demonstrating its continuing relevance to the modern world..
A generational challenge: Taming Amazon, renewing labour
As the Occupy protests of 2011 exhausted themselves, a dramatic turn from protests to politics surfaced.
Vulture capitalism
Grace Blakeley is a media star of the radical left-wing of the British labour movement. She is a columnist for the left-wing journal, Tribune, and a regular panellist on political debates in broadcasting—often the only spokesperson on the left advocating socialist alternatives.
A mad world: Capitalism and the rise of mental illness
What if it’s not us who are sick, asks Rod Tweedy, but a system at odds with who we are as social beings?
Report sounds alarm over growing role of Big Tech in U.S. military-industrial complex
The paper’s author found that the five largest military contracts to major tech firms between 2018 and 2022 “had contract ceilings totaling at least $53 billion combined.”
The crisis of liberalism
Modern liberalism was developed in response to the Bolshevik Revolution during the capitalist crisis of the inter-war period, as a way of resolving that crisis, and other similar crises that could arise in future, without transcending capitalism.
Congress urged to tax Big Oil for price fixing and ‘issue every American a refund
The Groundwork Collaborative’s leader also said that “the Department of Justice should criminally prosecute Scott Sheffield,” the former Pioneer CEO whom the FTC blocked from joining ExxonMobil’s board.
Brett Christophers: “Our Lives in Their Portfolios: Why Asset Managers Own the World”
Since the global financial crisis, big banks have taken a backseat, and asset managers have become the—often self-appointed—new experts and administrators of capitalism.
The end of lean production… and what’s ahead
Lean production, introduced in the 1980s from Japanese automakers, caught on in many U.S. industries.
On the question of the inheritance tax
The neoliberal years, it is generally agreed, have seen a sharp widening of income and wealth inequalities; in India it has even caused an increase in the extent of absolute deprivation.
Ultra-processed food: The profitable filth capitalism feeds us
In general, the discussion around diet today is a monotonous sermon.
‘What kind of American are you?’
The film Civil War addresses the paradox that the only way to stop polarisation is to take a side.
Capitalism is the single greatest source of violence
What the present moment reveals, once again, is that Western aggression during the “Cold War” was never about destroying socialism, as such. It was about destroying movements and governments in the periphery that sought economic sovereignty. Why? Because economic sovereignty in the periphery threatens capital accumulation in the core.
Capitalism’s New Age of Plagues (Part 4)
Agribusiness assaults on tropical forests are driving the emergence of new diseases and epidemics.
Coral catastrophe signals our own undoing
Five times in the history of life on Earth the corals have perished, swept from the board by conditions hostile to nearly all life. Each time, it has taken them millions of years to evolve anew. Each mass death of corals has been accompanied by the mass deaths of most other species, on land and at sea.