Plundering Africa–Income deflation and unequal ecological exchange under structural adjustment programmes
Presenting new research, Dylan Sullivan and Jason Hickel mount a devastating critique of the impact of structural adjustment in Africa in the 1980s and 1990s. Drawing on recent data on Africa’s material resource use, Sullivan and Hickel show how during this period structural adjustment programmes led to a significant increase in ‘unequal ecological exchange’, a process whereby African countries were compelled to export more materials, energy, and other resources than they received in imports. The difference between the two, Sullivan and Hickel argue, represented a transfer of real tangible materials from Africa to the capitalist world economy, for free.
Trump’s tariffs will not restore American manufacturing
The decline in manufacturing jobs is common to most developed economies and is not unique to the U.S. Further, Donald Trump is nothing if not delusional, and his tariffs will only damage both the U.S. economy and others as well.
PEN America condemns Education Department’s threat to defund schools over DEI programs
“We urge educational leaders not to be cowed by the threats of government officials whose erroneous interpretations of the Constitution would undermine the freedom to learn.” – PEN America
The game is up Trump tells Ukrainian war party
Today the Trump administration told the Ukraine war party that their game is finally up.
To respond to Trump’s tariffs, Canada should nationalize its oil industry
We need to build our own resilience against the increasingly unpredictable acts of our belligerent neighbours to the south.
Trump’s billionaire cabinet represents the top 0.0001%
The collective net worth of Trump’s top appointees is reportedly estimated to exceed $460 billion, including Elon Musk’s $400 billion net worth.
From export-led to consumption-led growth?
A CHORUS of “establishment” voices, from consultancy firms to the financial press, has been demanding a boost to domestic consumption as a means of reviving the flagging growth rate of the Indian economy. The latest to join this chorus is the Reserve Bank of India which in its latest Bulletin has asked for a boost to consumption to “rekindle the animal spirits” of the “entrepreneurs” in the economy.
Overproduction: The absurdity of suffering amidst surpluses
A popular coal-miner’s riddle from the 1930s summarizes one of capitalism’s most visible and absurd contradictions. After a daughter asks her father why their home is so cold, he tells her they don’t have any money to purchase coal.
The curious case of strengthening dollar, falling rupee
The primary cause of the rupee’s depreciation is the preference of the Indian rich to hold their wealth in the form of U.S. dollars rather than in Indian rupees.
Washington funnels more than $22 billion in military support to Israel’s genocidal war machine since October 2023
Over all, Washington has provided the regime with $310 billion in military and economic aid, which has been regularly adjusted for inflation, according to the Council on Foreign Relations, an American think tank.
BRICS expands with 9 new partner countries. Now it’s half of world population, 41% of global economy
BRICS keeps expanding, adding 9 partner countries in January 2025, after admitting 4 new members in 2024. It now makes up roughly half of the global population and more than 41% of world GDP (PPP). It’s an economic powerhouse, with top producers of key commodities like oil, gas, grains, meat, and minerals.
U.S. credit card defaults at highest level since Great Recession
Credit card defaults in the U.S. reached their highest level since the 2008 financial crash during the first nine months of 2024, according to figures compiled by BankRegData and cited in a recent Financial Times article.
A tale of two summits: U.S. influence on the decline as China and BRICS on the rise
The United States is continuing its economic battle against China in South America. However, its influence in the region is in decline as nations seek alternatives in order to forestall U.S. hegemony.
From Nixonomics to Trumponomics
The 50-Year Evolution of the GOP.
The Kazan summit of BRICS
The BRICS declaration presumes that the international institutions in their current state are flawed because they are dominated by imperialist countries and are not representative enough; but they are flawed because their very essence is flawed, no matter how they are governed.
Brett Christophers on our growing ‘asset-manager society’
Many people now live in homes and rely on infrastructure that are owned by pension funds, insurance companies, and banks.
Why Brazil opposes Venezuela’s BRICS membership
The 16th Summit of the BRICS organization is taking place this week in the Russian city of Kazan. President Nicolás Maduro was invited by the Russian president himself, Vladimir Putin, at the beginning of August, and is attending with a Venezuelan delegation.
The dialectics of wealth and poverty
THIS year’s Nobel Prize in economics (the Riksbank Prize to be more precise) has been awarded to three U.S.-based economists for their research into what promotes or hinders the growth of wealth among nations; and they assign a crucial role to institutions, arguing that western institutions like electoral democracy are conducive to growth.
Cuba requests entry into the BRICS
On Monday, the Director of General Affairs of the Cuban Foreign Ministry, Carlos Pereira, announced that his country had requested to join BRICS+.
FTC orders Mastercard to answer questions about its data collection & monetization practices
Credit card data is extremely valuable for companies aiming to predict how people will spend money in the future. Knowing how much people spend, where and on what day says a lot about consumers’ financial situations.