European ‘strategic autonomy’ and the perception of reality
French President Emmanuel Macron’s statement in China about developing “strategic autonomy” from the United States is empty posturing intended for the domestic French market.
Free trade? “To Hell with It”
U.S. President Joe Biden is a self-confessed Catholic. He regularly attends the religious services of his congregation and, like every U.S. president, he has sworn to his office by placing his hand on the bible. Therefore, it is safe to say that he is aware of the negative moral charge that the word “hell” has among his people.
Nestlé’s blatant misconduct shows us the darkness of capitalism
From inventing the need for mass-scale baby formula leading to the deaths of infants, to redirecting much needed water from impoverished areas to bottle and sell back to the same communities, to exploiting child labor and slavery, Nestlé will stoop to any moral low to make a buck.
The United States wants to make Taiwan the Ukraine of the East: The Sixth Newsletter (2023)
On 2 February 2023, President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. of the Philippines met with U.S. Defence Secretary Lloyd Austin at Malacañang Palace in Manila, where they agreed to expand the U.S. military presence in the country.
The World Split Apart 2.0: Part 3 and Conclusion
Like during the Cold War, the global schism has a military component that is gradually intensifying. The emerging East-West military standoff is building on the energy of the polarization exacerbated by the Russo-Ukrainian war for NATO expansion.
The World Split Apart 2.0: Part 2
A series of international organizations—a network of networks—created by Russia and China form the pillars upon which an alternative to the Western-dominated world order are being built. There is already an institutional split between the West and the rest evidencing the pre-schism bifurcation among great powers: the G7 and G20.
The World Split Apart 2.0: Introduction and Part 1
Nearly a decade ago I began warning that NATO expansion and the West’s failure to understand that Russian national security interests not a Russian desire to ‘recreate the USSR’ or ‘former Russian empire’ would lead to a world split apart between the West and ‘the rest’ (Sino-Russian ‘strategic partnership and those states oriented towards it).
Double standards on full display with Western Sahara occupation
Numerous countries, including Canada, profit from the illegal exploitation of Sahrawi resources.
The late Stephen F. Cohen provides clarity on NATO expansion and Russia, more than 10 years ago
NATO’s broken promise to Russia provides context to the current state of affairs.
Decolonizing the mind
The word decolonization should not be treated as trendy slang. It describes an important political and psychological process. Media and state attempts at indoctrination show just how important it is.
The global South has lost $152 trillion through unequal exchange since 1960
Dependency and world-systems theorists have long argued that “unequal exchange” is a key driver of global inequality.
Double meaning of Global Values
The basic justification of every policy of the West is the ideology of ecumenism the West is projecting, full of complacency and arrogance. However, it is a false ecumenism, as it corresponds only to the narrow interests of the Western ruling classes, not the interests of humanity, writes Valdai Club expert Dimitris Konstantakopoulos. This article was written as a follow-up to the author’s presentation at the expert discussion “The Global Ideological and Spiritual Landscape and Russia’s Place on the New Values Map of the World”.
How NOT to win friends and influence people
After four years of Trump’s ‘America first’ isolationism, U.S. President Joe Biden announced “America is back”. His White House has since tried to find allies against China and Russia.
Sanctions and the decline of the dollar
The hegemony of the U.S. dollar was based on the fact that the world’s wealth-holders considered it to be “as good as gold”, even when it was no longer officially convertible to gold at a fixed rate, as it had been under the Bretton Woods system, after the collapse of that system.
The new imperialism’s strange bedfellows
Africa’s political liberation and economic emancipation can’t be one-country affairs, but pan-African combined with international solidarity.
Africa remains at the center of a 21st Century Cold War
Leaders and officials from Russia, France and the United States are vying for influence over the 1.3 billion people living within the African Union’s 55 member-states.
Canada’s Development Finance Institution and land grabbing in Africa
This interview is part of a series with the Blended Finance Project a group of unions, non-governmental organizations and academics who are concerned about the Canadian government’s embrace of what is called “blended finance.”
Weaponizing Free Trade Agreements
Long seen as means to seek advantage on the pretext of providing mutual benefit, free trade agreements may increasingly become economic weapons in the new Cold War, disrupting earlier globalization.
Turkey rains on NATO’s parade
On May 18, the secretary general of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, a Norwegian named Jen Stoltenberg, stood on a stage, flanked by the ambassadors to NATO of Finland and Sweden, Klaus Korhonen and Axel Wernhoff, respectively.
Mapping U.S. Imperialism
This article deals with U.S. imperialism since World War 2. It is critical to acknowledge that U.S. imperialism emanates both ideologically and materially from the crime of colonialism on this continent which has killed over 100 million indigenous people and approximately 150 million African people over the past 500 years.