Did Left journalists buy into Right-wing ideology–or were they bought?
What is truly more urgent is the fact that a dangerous media class is taking advantage of this media vacuum, at the expense of regular people.
Harry Magdoff Memorial Library: The Hidden Library of Marx, Lenin, and Mao in Kathmandu
In the basement of Helping Hands Hospital in Kathmandu, Nepal, there is a meeting room. Its left and right sides are lined with stacks of large books, some with torn covers. These are rare books about Marx, Lenin, Stalin, and others. They sit like prisoners, yearning for readers to set them free. The place is known as Harry Magdoff Memorial Library.
F*ck Big Book
The ‘Big Five’ publishing houses wield enormous global power, controlling 80% of the English-language trade publishing market.
‘They’re trying to make us afraid’: Israel police targets Palestinian bookstores in Jerusalem
The arrest of a well-known Palestinian bookstore’s co-owner was part of a pattern of raids and repression, booksellers say.
We want to build communities of readers, not turn readers into commodities: The Eighth Newsletter (2025)
Literacy gives us the power to build a collective life–it allows us to see our history with clarity, be critical of our present, and demand the impossible of the future.
Dossier no. 85: The joy of reading
Reading and popular literacy programmes have played an important role in revolutionary processes, from the Mexican, Chinese, and Russian revolutions in the early twentieth century to today.
John Bellamy Foster Book Launch: “The Dialectics of Ecology”
Book Launch: “The Dialectics of Ecology”
Han Kang’s Nobel Prize Award is a cry for Palestine
A brilliant, powerful writer, but clearly the literary dark horse in the race, Han Kang’s unexpected award is the closest the Nobel committee could get to acknowledging the Palestinian genocide.
The Genesis of Cultural-Historical Theory in Vygotsky’s manuscripts of 1926
The present article aims to analyze a restricted set of notes made by Vygotsky, between 1925 and 1926.
A year after the attack on NewsClick, journalists in India call for a united fight against assaults on independent media
Many former NewsClick employees are struggling to find an alternative job even after months of unemployment due to the vilification and fear mongering campaign launched by the ultra-right government in India.
Working with spies makes you a propagandist, not a journalist
Establishment journalists have often worked closely with intelligence, military officials.
Defence correspondents
There are stenographers–and then there are UK defence correspondents.
Ten theses on the far right of a special type: The Thirty-Third Newsletter (2024)
Fascism is an insufficient term, as it denies the intimacy between liberal and far right forces. In this week’s newsletter, we present ten theses to understand this ‘intimate embrace’ and the rise of this far right of a special type.
Lenin’s contributions to political economy
Vladimir Lenin made many valuable contributions to Marxist political economy.
We are all Nicaragua: The sexual diversity community
(Becca Renk has lived in Ciudad Sandino, Nicaragua, for more than 20 years, working in sustainable community development with the Jubilee House Community and its project, the Center for Development in Central America. Becca coordinates the Casa Benjamin Linder solidarity project in Managua.)
Alfredo Maneiro, reader of Machiavelli
VA columnist Reinaldo Iturriza explores Venezuelan political theorist Alfredo Maneiro’s concept of exercising political power with “revolutionary quality.”
“Toward Nakba as a Legal Concept”: Meet the Palestinian lawyer censored by Columbia and Harvard
The website of the Columbia Law Review was taken down by its board of directors on Monday after student editors refused a request from the board to halt the publication of an academic article written by Palestinian human rights lawyer Rabea Eghbariah titled “Toward Nakba as a Legal Concept.”
Assange victorious in High Court
The threat of immediate extradition has been lifted in today’s ruling against the U.S. government, reports John Rees from the court.
Vulture capitalism
Grace Blakeley is a media star of the radical left-wing of the British labour movement. She is a columnist for the left-wing journal, Tribune, and a regular panellist on political debates in broadcasting—often the only spokesperson on the left advocating socialist alternatives.
UNESCO awards World Press Freedom prize to Palestinian journalists
The Palestinian journalists covering the Israeli onslaught on Gaza and the suffering of the Palestinian people are rewarded with the Guillermo Cano World Press Freedom prize.