Job Guarantee as Historical Struggle with David Stein (NEW TRANSCRIPT!)
We are excited to rerelease our inaugural episode of Money on the Left alongside a brand new transcript. In our inaugural episode, we consider the recent resurgence of full employment politics in the United States from both a political and historical perspective with historian David Stein (@davidpstein).
The poverty of UN poverty estimates
ON April 3 this year, the minister of state for planning, Rao Inderjeet Singh, said in the Rajya Sabha that the government had no data after 2011-12 for estimating poverty, and therefore had no idea how many people had been lifted out of poverty since then.
FAO report refutes Venezuelan food crisis narrative
The most recent report from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has revealed positive news for Venezuela.
BRICS problems, BRI solutions
While the five original BRICS states have their geopolitical differences, they are finding enormous common ground on the geoeconomic front as trade volumes surge and trade routes multiply.
NYC’s $13 million settlement with BLM protesters “not a victory, but something to hold onto’
An interview with longtime activist Savitri Durkee who was a plaintiff in the record-setting class-action lawsuit.
Is the end of Western financial dominance in Africa on the horizon or will the history of Libya repeat itself?
Countries across Africa recently took a major step towards economic independence from the West by launching an insurance system that will allow them to conduct inter-state trade without the involvement of the U.S. dollar or other Western currencies. This could have major implications on the development of both African as well as Western economies. However, the Wests response to previous attempts to free Africa from the economic and political dominance of the West, then by Libya, are a source of worry.
The struggle for environmental justice in Africa
The framework of our civilization is premised on the destruction of the planet.
Macron’s invitation to attend South Africa’s BRICS Summit not granted
South Africa’s media agencies report that the country’s authorities have rejected a French request to send an invitation to President Emmanuel Macron to attend the upcoming summit of the BRICS economic group.
Argentina: The IMF, a euphemism for politics
In recent times, any analysis on Argentine politics or the Argentine economy does not fail to mention the IMF as one of the fundamental, if not decisive, actors of national events. And its influence on the Government’s decision-making process, on what it does or does not do, more than deserves this recognition.
When can there be a fall in the rate of profit?
SEVERAL major economists have put forward theories predicting a falling tendency of the rate of profit under capitalism; Marx had seen in this fact an awareness on their part of the essential transitoriness of the capitalist system. But while some of these theories have logical validity, others do not. Among the latter is Adam Smith’s theory.
Ecocide, war and the “New American Century”
Ecocide is the deliberate destruction of an environment so that it can no longer sustain life.
Politics of hedging in the Indo-Pacific
New Zealand’s estimation matters because it is a small country in Southern Pacific heavily dependent on trade with China for preserving its prosperity and yet one of the Five Eyes (along with the U.S., UK, Australia and Canada), the exclusive secretive security grouping of Anglo-Saxon countries.
House votes down amendment to block cluster bomb shipments to Ukraine
As U.S. cluster munitions arrived in Ukraine, a bi-partisan vote struck down an effort to stop the internationally banned weapons’ transfer. Meanwhile, every House Democrat and a majority of Republicans voted down a measure to strip $300 million of Ukraine aid from the NDAA.
Third World external debt in the light of simple economics
INDIA and other third world countries can morally justify their being a part of G-20 alongside the imperialist powers, only if they raise common and pressing problems of the third world as a whole at G-20 meetings.
The world needs a new development theory that does not trap the poor in poverty: The Twenty-Eighth Newsletter (2023)
In June, the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Solutions Network published its Sustainable Development Report 2023, which tracks the progress of the 193 member states towards attaining the seventeen Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
What is metabolic rift?
The Ecosocialist idea you’ve never heard of and might need.
Africa sets the course for Latin America and multipolarity
The African continent, like the American continent, was subjected to colonization and intervention by European nations and, although the processes were different, there are common channels between the two histories, just as there are with Asia.
Deadly hazards of capitalist profit system
The beginning of July saw the hottest days on record globally.
Is what we have “crony capitalism”?
Under monopoly capitalism of course this relationship between monopoly capitalists and the state becomes far closer. Rudolf Hilferding in his opus Das Finanzkapital had talked of a “personal union” between banks and industrial capital and the formation on this basis of a “financial oligarchy”, and had suggested a similar “personal union” between the “financial oligarchy” and the State.
World’s richest added $852 billion to their fortunes in first half of 2023
Each member of the Bloomberg Billionaires Index made an average of over $14 million per day over the last six months—even as 47 percent of the world’s population barely survived on $6.25 a day.