‘The problem is, there’s no place for anyone to go’
CounterSpin interview with Keith McHenry on criminalizing homelessness.
Collapsing empire: The day sanctions died
By sanctioning so many countries so readily, the Empire has in effect sanctioned itself–and convinced an ever-increasing number of states to seek alternative economic and financial structures.
Lenin’s contributions to political economy
Vladimir Lenin made many valuable contributions to Marxist political economy.
U.S. economists ‘expose’ China’s economy
Bourgeois economists, ever ready to proclaim the impending demise of the socialist economic model in the People’s Republic of China (PRC), find every opportunity to throw shade on China’s economic system.
‘The Home and the Reproduction of Society: On Work, Rent and the Reach of Capital’
The early twentieth century saw a wave of anti-colonial struggles that took the form of the labour strike.
China: The global trading giant
An extraordinary chart from ‘The Pioneer’ below compares nations whose largest trading partner was either the USA or China in the year 2000 and the year 2020. Over one short decade, it is a powerful visualization of how the world’s economic centre shifted.
Winds of change in India-China relations
There is an expectation that Prime Minister Narendra Modi would prioritise a historic turnaround in India’s relations with China as a legacy of his 15 years in power. Things are indeed moving in such a direction.
China’s Third Plenum
The Third Plenum is a meeting of China’s Communist Party Central Committee composed of 364 members which discusses China’s economic policy for the next several years.
Capitalism’s New Age of Plagues (Part 8): Deadly heat
‘Climate change has already caused mass death on a pandemic-like scale’
How a giant corporate cover-up poisoned the planet—and everyone on it
In 1998, the head toxicologist at 3M estimated that a safe level of PFAS in human blood is about one part per billion. The average American’s blood has not double, not triple, but 30 times that amount.
More poverty for the poor
Many low-income countries (LICs) continue to slip further behind the rest of the world. Meanwhile, people in extreme poverty have been increasing again after decades of decline.
Feeling the heat: capitalism and global warming
Global carbon dioxide emissions (the main cause of global warming) continue to rise, hitting a new high in 2023.
Global Wealth Report 2023: An orgy of enrichment for the super-rich
Multimillionaires around the world have benefited from the inflation year 2023, while the German super-rich alone increased their wealth by 10 percent to more than €2.1 trillion.
Capitalism kills: The case for ecosocialism
To say capitalism kills is not hyperbole: it is simply incompatible with continuing life on Earth.
What is the ‘social wage?’
The fight to defend public services is as important as the struggle over wages, but presents different challenges to workplace organising — especially with regards to bourgeois propaganda and conditioning, writes the MARX MEMORIAL LIBRARY.
The specific form of poverty under capitalism
There are roughly four proximate features of capitalist poverty.
Emissions increase as climate disaster intensifies
CEOs state outright that profit must come first, even as this year’s deadly heat waves providing worrying evidence of the rising climate emergency, reports John Clarke.
Housing for All with Chris Martin
Money on the Left is joined by Dr. Chris Martin to discuss Modern Monetary Theory’s vital importance for the struggle to provide adequate housing for all. A Senior Research Fellow at the City Futures Research Centre at the University of New South Wales, Martin is a long-time tenant’s rights advocate in Australia with scholarly training in law and heterodox political economy. We speak with Martin about this report and its reception in Australian housing policy debates. We also ruminate about what housing-for-all movements in Australia, the US, and across the world stand to learn from each other.
ANC’s crushing electoral defeat
South Africa is in the throes of a deepening political and social crisis.
‘These stores are unhealthy for our communities’
CounterSpin interview with Kennedy Smith on dollar store invasion