Subjects Archives: Revolutions

  • Interview with Mohammed Nafa’h, Secretary General of the Communist Party of Israel

      “Supporting the Palestinian people’s struggle for self-determination is a duty of Israeli communists.” The Communist Party of Israel (CPI) and its front Hadash (Democratic Front for Peace and Equality) were the only political forces in Israel that confronted the massacre perpetrated by the Tzahal (IDF), the Israeli armed forces, in Gaza last January.  Regrettably, […]

  • Iran: Anatomy of a Revolution

    Featuring interviews with Abbas Abdi, Ervand Abrahamian, Hamid Algar, Ali Ansari, Abbas Attar, Shaul Bakhash, Abolhassan Banisadr, Daniel Brumberg, Abdolmajid Majidi, Hedayat Matin-Daftari, Abbas Milani, Parviz Mina, Seyed Ali Akhbar Mohtashamipur, Grand Ayatollah Ali Montazeri, Hojatolislam Seyed Hamid Rohani, Barry Rosen, Hashem Sabbaghian, Ayatollah Yousof Sanei, Ebrahim Yazdi, Ardeshir Zahedi, Marvin Zonis. Part 1 Part […]

  • This Marvelous People, the Cuban People, a Heroic People, Has Taught the World That Revolution Has a Destiny

      Speech by His Excellency Mr. Rafael Correa Delgado, president of the Republic of Ecuador, at the commemoration event for the 50th anniversary of the entry of Commander in Chief Fidel Castro into Havana, at Ciudad Libertad, January 8, 2009 Dear Comandante, President Raúl Castro Ruz, I expect that compañero Fidel is watching us, so […]

  • What We See, What We Hope: Declaration of Solidarity with the Uprising in Greece

    “Our community is expanding: MRZine viewers have increased in number, as have the readers of our editions published outside the United States and in languages other than English.  We sense a sharp increase in interest in our perspective and its history.   Many in our community have made use of the MR archive we put […]

  • Protest in Athens, 18.12.2008

      “Our community is expanding: MRZine viewers have increased in number, as have the readers of our editions published outside the United States and in languages other than English.  We sense a sharp increase in interest in our perspective and its history.   Many in our community have made use of the MR archive we […]

  • Interview with Dongping Han, Author of The Unknown Cultural Revolution: Life and Change in a Chinese Village

      “Our community is expanding: MRZine viewers have increased in number, as have the readers of our editions published outside the United States and in languages other than English.  We sense a sharp increase in interest in our perspective and its history.   Many in our community have made use of the MR archive we […]

  • Workers Occupy Chicago Factory: Echoes of Argentina’s 2001 Worker Uprising

    “Our community is expanding: MRZine viewers have increased in number, as have the readers of our editions published outside the United States and in languages other than English.  We sense a sharp increase in interest in our perspective and its history.   Many in our community have made use of the MR archive we put […]

  • Transforming “the Nursery of Rebellion”

      “Our community is expanding: MRZine viewers have increased in number, as have the readers of our editions published outside the United States and in languages other than English.  We sense a sharp increase in interest in our perspective and its history.   Many in our community have made use of the MR archive we […]

  • The Achilles’ Heel of the Bolivarian Revolution

    The media were predicting a disaster for Venezuela’s Chavistas.  Desperate for news that was fit to print, the opposition-controlled Venezuelan press and its foreign counterparts convinced many that the time had come for Hugo Chávez and his Bolivarian Revolution, after stumbling in a slim referendum defeat last year, to finally come crashing down under its […]

  • “Today We Have Come Out”: Mass Uprising of Tribal People in West Bengal

      The events that have been happening during the last one week in the adivasi (tribal) belt of West Midnapur district in West Bengal are so unprecedented that the authorities do not know how to respond to them, and the media doesn’t understand their significance. Even the political parties and civil society are at a […]

  • The Rise and Fall of the Arab Middle Class in the Middle East: Between Modernization, Nationalism, and Revolution

      Keith David Watenpaugh.   Being Modern in the Middle East: Revolution, Nationalism, Colonialism, and the Arab Middle Class.   Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2006.  xi + 325 pp. $37.95 (cloth), ISBN 978-0-691-12169-7. One of the great modern landmarks of the city of Aleppo is the Baron Hotel.  The Mazloumians, a wealthy Armenian family of […]

  • Venezuela: Crucial Test for Bolivarian Revolution

    While on the surface it may appear to be a simple electoral battle, something much different is at stake on November 23. On that day, Venezuelans will go to the polls to elect 22 governors, 328 mayors, 233 legislators to the state legislative councils, and 13 councilors to district committees — including indigenous representation — […]

  • Paloma Causes Devastation But . . . It Is Fortunate That We Have a Revolution

    It is too soon to know exactly what material damage was caused by Hurricane Paloma, the third hurricane of great intensity to hit us in less than 10 weeks during the present hurricane season, but, facing this new blow dealt by nature, we Cubans can affirm that it is fortunate that we have a Revolution.  […]

  • India’s Combative Anti-Displacement Movement

      I recently spent three weeks gathering information about the anti-displacement movement in India.  As a guest of Visthapan Virodhi Jan Vikas Andolan (People’s Movement against Displacement and for Development), I traveled across central and eastern India visiting the sites of proposed industrial and mining projects, Special Economic Zones, and real estate developments.  I spoke […]

  • We are and we should be socialists

    Last October 2nd we discussed the international price of our fuel consumption. I am under the impression that its significance attracted the attention of many leaders and cadres.

  • Bush’s Self-Criticism

    In a brief 15-minute speech, the President of the United States made some assertions that, had they come from the mouths of any of his adversaries, they would have been described as atrocious and cynical slanders against the economic system of his country which he named “democratic capitalism”.

  • Revolution!  New Book Charts Roller Coaster Ride of South American Left

    Throughout the past eight years of the Bush administration, North and South America have politically and economically been heading in opposite directions.  While Bush waged wars, curtailed civil liberties, and spread neoliberalism, South Americans stopped corporate looting, ousted corrupt presidents, and developed economies for people instead of profit.  Journalist Nikolas Kozloff’s new book, Revolution! South […]

  • Can SEIU Members Exorcize the Purple Shades of Jackie Presser?

      Thousands of SEIU members are expected in San Jose this Saturday, September  6, to protest spreading corruption and Andy Stern’s latest grab for control over SEIU’s third largest local (which has helped blow the whistle on scandalous behavior elsewhere in the union). The rally is being organized by United Healthcare Workers (UHW) and allied […]

  • The Nepali Revolution Moves On

    In a historic vote on 15 August 2008 in Kathmandu,  Pushpa Kamal Dahal (aka Prachanda), chairman of the Communist Party of Nepal-Maoist (CPN-M), was elected first Prime Minister of the Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal, where now a “Maoist leads from the top of the world.”  Prachanda garnered 80% of the votes cast in the […]

  • Manley and McKay: Reform and Revolution in the Politics of the African Diaspora

    Lloyd D. McCarthy, “In-Dependence” from Bondage: Claude McKay and Michael Manley Defying the Ideological Clash and Policy Gaps in African Diaspora Relations (Africa World Press, 2007). Claude McKay and Michael Manley may seem like strange bedfellows for a study in 20th-century politics.  Though both born in Jamaica, a generation apart, they could hardly have pursued […]