U.S.-EU assets pushing color revolution in Georgia
Over 25,000 NGOs are active in Georgia, and most rely on funding from Europe and the U.S. A new bill aiming to reign in Western meddling has sparked furious anti-government protests explicitly encouraged by Washington.
Palestine, too, shall be free–the liberation of all oppressed people in the whole of Africa and the world
Israel, as a settler colony, perceives Palestine as ‘empty land’, empty of people, culture, history and a future. Busani Ngcaweni argues that Palestinians are denied an identity and have become dis-membered, without a home, state or nation. There are striking similarities, Ngcaweni explains, between Israel’s ideology of racial subjugation by a ‘God-chosen people’ and apartheid South Africa’s belief in racial and religious superiority over an inferior black race.
NATO’s spiralling commitments to Ukraine risk catastrophe
We are on the possible verge of a major escalation in the war in the Ukraine, one which risks war between NATO and Russia, and one involving nuclear weapons, argues Chris Bambery.
Will the Cocos Islands become like Diego Garcia, highjacked by the U.S.?
The 2000 residents of Diego Garcia were forcibly removed to make way for a giant U.S. military base.
Britain’s century long Opium trafficking and China’s ‘Century of Humiliation’ (1839-1949)
In 1500, India and China were the world’s most advanced civilizations.
Heat stress exposes dangerous trends in India’s biggest cities
A CSE study of 6 mega cities flags concerns over rising concretization and loss of green cover among other things.
The slow-motion execution of Assange
The ruling by the High Court in London permitting the WikiLeaks publisher to appeal his extradition order leaves him languishing in precarious health in a high-security prison. That is the point.
The liberation of Kanaky: Resisting France’s brutal colonial overlordships in the Pacific
We Palestinians know what it is for people to choose to ignore the context that leads to our struggle. Indigenous and native people have always been right to challenge colonisation. We are fighting for a world free from the racism and the theft of resources and land that have hurt and harmed too many indigenous peoples and our planet.
League of imperialist criminals denounces the International Criminal Court
Prosecuting the war criminals, halting the genocide, and preventing the further escalation of a third world war are tasks inseparably connected with the fight for the revolutionary transformation of society under the leadership of the working class, which will replace capitalist barbarism with socialism.
Keep on rockin’ in the free world: The Twenty-First Newsletter (2024)
On the evening of 14 May, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken climbed onstage at Barman Dictat in Kyiv, Ukraine, to pick up an electric guitar and join the Ukrainian punk band 19.99.
New Caledonia: Kanak revolt against French colonialism
To understand the current uprisings in New Caledonia, one must look back at the history of colonization and violent repression of the islands by France.
National Endowment For Democracy continues to weaponize human rights
The latest example is its pressing for release of John McCain pallbearer from Siberian jail while it ignores a socialist arrested by the Ukrainian intelligence services and another socialist who was murdered.
The billionaires and establishment officials unleashing violence against the student movement
Behind the efforts of the powerful to unleash chaos against students protesting for Palestine.
Israeli forces kill Palestinian students, teacher and doctor in Jenin assault
Troops open fire indiscriminately at Palestinians amid large-scale incursion in West Bank city.
United States assembles the squad against China
In early April 2024, the navies of four countries—Australia, Japan, the Philippines, and the United States—held a maritime exercise in the South China Sea. Australia’s Warramunga, Japan’s Akebono, the Philippines’ Antonio Luna, and the United States’ Mobile worked together in these waters to strengthen their joint abilities and—as they said in a joint statement—to “uphold the right to freedom of navigation and overflight and respect for maritime rights under international law.”
Ukrainian communist Dmitri Kovalevich: Ukraine has become a private mercenary company of NATO to fight against its opponents (Interview)
According to Dmitri Kovalevich, the United States controls all decisions in Ukraine, not only military but also economic. “It is not the Ukrainian [military] command that decides where to advance, what to undermine, what to shell; Ukrainian soldiers are acting on the advice of Western instructors,” he said, referring to the actions of the Ukrainian armed forces.
For the defense of the Alliance of Sahel States
To the African masses at home and abroad, oppressed and tormented by the imperialists for centuries and yet steadfast in your struggle. We, the Coalition for the Elimination of Imperialism in Africa, urge you to stand strongly behind the Alliance of Sahel States which, at this moment in our history, represents the model for Pan-Africanism and therefore the path towards the total liberation and unification of Africa.
‘Are you going to end the genocide, President Biden? That’s the central question’
CounterSpin interview with Ahmad Abuznaid on Rafah invasion.
U.S.: Political repression backfires as pro-Palestinian campus protests grow
Police arrested more than 2,300 protesters in at least 58 crackdowns at 44 colleges or universities between April 18 and May 3 as pro-Palestinian encampments spread like wildfire across the U.S. It can reasonably be argued that university administrators themselves provoked students into taking action, and it can certainly be proven that they fanned the flames of defiance after the protests began—by forcibly repressing the protests.
CNN exposes horrible Israeli torture methods on Palestinian detainees
According to the whistleblowers, the beatings inflicted upon detainees were said to be done out of spite and not intended for intelligence gathering.