Israel is turning hospitals into mass graves while the West fixates on ‘antisemitism’
The IDF are just attacking hospitals and mowing down civilians and trying to bury the evidence of their crimes, so naturally we’re seeing the western political-media class focus very hard on the problem of antisemitism allegations on college campuses. Reading by Tim Foley.
‘Come out, you animals’: How the massacre at al-Shifa Hospital happened
During the massacre at al-Shifa Hospital, the Israeli army shot patients in their beds and doctors who refused to abandon the sick, separated people into groups with differently-colored bracelets, and executed hundreds of civil government employees.
World faces days of “moral decay” as Israel bulldozes hospital grounds, detains more doctors
Israel carries out unprecedented attacks against health workers and infrastructure in the Gaza Strip, bulldozing hospital grounds and detaining doctors.
Lies surrounding Al-Shifa hospital recall those preceding the Iraq invasion
The evidence-free claims that have flooded media regarding Hamas using Gaza’s Al-Shifa hospital as a military headquarters recall similarly devastating intelligence lies preceding the U.S. invasion of Iraq.
The death of Al-Shifa Hospital, the last bastion of humanity in northern Gaza
People are dead in the streets in Gaza as hospital staff are unable to help the injured crying out for help outside hospitals. Medical workers who attempt to aid them are targeted and killed. No one is left to document the scale of the genocide.