Tag Archives | Fracking

  • Aerial view of a fracking site in Colorado, United States (Photo credit: Adobe Stock/mitchbowers)

    New study finds overwhelming evidence of harms from fracking

    A review of the scientific literature reveals enormous public health, environmental, and climate damage from fracking. Authors say that “no rules or regulations can make these practices safe.”

  • Oil pad access roads crossing Bennet Creek, three miles south of the North Unit of Theodore Roosevelt National Park

    North Dakota gets fracked

    When the big shutdown finally takes hold in the Bakken, the frackers will have gone and most wells abandoned, and people in the region will still have to deal with the illegal trash dumps, polluted streams, health problems, and other unfortunate effects of the boom.

  • How The Fracking Revolution Is Killing the U.S. Oil and Gas Industry

    How the fracking revolution is killing the U.S. oil and gas industry

    After over a decade of the much-hyped U.S. fracking miracle, the U.S. oil and gas industry is having to deal with years of losses and falling asset values which has dealt the industry a serious financial blow. This is despite the fracking revolution delivering record oil and gas production for the past decade, peaking in 2019.