Book review of ‘The Political Writings of Bhagat Singh’
On the 23rd of March 1931, Bhagat Singh was hanged to death for waging revolution against the British colonial government in Lahore, Pakistan at the young age of 23.
The commune is a comprehensive reworking of social relations: A conversation with Chris Gilbert
A new book exploring the theory, practice and history of socialist commune building in Venezuela.
Amílcar Cabral remembered
“Return to the Source”, a condensation of Amílcar Cabral’s developing ideas until his assassination by Portuguese agents in 1973, reveals an astounding intellectual sophistication expressed in formulations clear enough for even the less educated among his audience of fellow Africans.
On some peremptory ‘critiques’ of India’s Maoist movement
Revolutions are very costly in terms of human lives and suffering, and so “we” are shocked that “you” radicals even consider them as options. And so “we” have to express “our” rejection and condemnation.