Jacques Chirac Minimizes the Threat of an Iranian Nuclear Bomb [Jacques Chirac minimise la menace d’une bombe nucléaire iranienne]
Jacques Chirac a fait, lundi 29 janvier, au sujet du programme nucléaire de l’Iran et de ses conséquences possibles au Moyen-Orient, une série de déclarations tranchant avec le discours habituel de la diplomatie française sur ce dossier. Il parlait à des journalistes du Nouvel Observateur, du New York Times et du International Herald Tribune. Le […]
Why Aren’t You in a Hurry, Comrade?
“What’s the rationale for allowing Chavez to govern by decree?” Why such a “precipitous approach”? As the apparent resident apologist (or, let’s just say, on-site interpreter) for the Bolivarian Revolution, I get questions like this regularly from friends who don’t know much about Venezuela but do know what they don’t like (from reading the always […]
Change the System — Not the Climate!
Al Gore’s film An Inconvenient Truth has helped dramatize the enormity of the global environmental crisis. The scale of the threat posed by industrially induced global warming, and the short time in which to take meaningful action to prevent catastrophic consequences, makes the question of how to combat global warming arguably the most urgent […]