Rebuke Clinton for Threatening to “Totally Obliterate” Iran


On Tuesday, the same day as the Pennsylvania primary, Senator Hillary Clinton promised to “totally obliterate” Iran should Tehran develop a nuclear weapon and use it against Israel.

Her comments, which were aired on Good Morning America, come at a time of increasing tensions between the US and Iran amidst allegations of Iran’s involvement in attacks on American troops in Iraq.   (Senator Clinton’s remarks on YouTube below.)

NIAC fears that Clinton’s remarks will undermine America’s ability to resolve the US-Iran dispute peacefully.

An increasing number of statesmen are now calling for diplomacy as a remedy to the Bush administration’s failed strategy of threats and isolation.  Unfortunately, Senator Clinton’s remarks signal a continuation of the past seven years of American foreign policy.  They also echo many of the reprehensible remarks we hear from some Iranian leaders.

This is a critical juncture in US history.  Therefore, as Americans, we must speak out with a clear voice to ensure that President Bush’s cowboy diplomacy leaves the White House when he does, and is not emulated by the next US President.

It only takes a moment to make your voice heard!   E-mail Senator Clinton’s campaign headquarters today!


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