Protest against BBC’s Refusal to Air Gaza Appeal

London, 24 January 2009

Salma Yaqoob, Councilor, Birmingham, Respect
Shahrar Ali, Policy Coordinator, London Green Party
Azzam Tamimi, Director, Institute of Islamic Political Thought
Maryam Abu Daya
Lindsey German, Convener, Stop the War Coalition
Danny, Age 11
Bill Morris, Former General Secretary, Transport and General Workers’ Union (the first Black leader of a British trade union)
George Galloway, MP, Repect
Tony Benn, Labour, President, Stop the War Coalition
Tony Benn, Labour, President, Stop the War Coalition
Dave Crouch, Author, “The Bolsheviks and Islam”
John Rees, Author, Imperialism and Resistance

Adrian Cousins is a teacher, designer and Socialist Workers Party activist in London.