The putschist foreign minister of Honduras, Enrique Ortez Colindres, in the midst of negotiations to restore the legitimate president, Manuel Zelaya, to the government, fulminated on television against virtually the entire world.
Ortez Colindres referred to US President Barack Obama as “that Black boy who doesn’t know anything about anything.” Asked about the international condemnation of the coup, from the OAS, the UNASUR, the MERCOSUR to even the UN, he said, “I don’t attach any importance to the OAS and those other little organizations that are out there.” Regarding Spanish President Rodríguez Zapatero’s criticisms, he said that Zapatero “should get back to minding his own shoes.” Last but not least, he did not comment on the position of El Salvador “because it’s not worth talking about such an itty-bitty country, where you can’t kick a soccer ball without kicking it into another country.”
After meeting with the Supreme Court of Honduras, which said that “the removal of Zelaya is irreversible,” OAS Secretary General José Miguel Insulza said that “Honduras is close to getting expelled from the OAS.” Today is the deadline given to the putschists to change their position. (See page 41.)
The original article “Canciller golpista” was published by La República (Uruguay) on 4 July 2009. H/T to Jorge Majfud. Translation by Yoshie Furuhashi (@yoshiefuruhashi | yoshie.furuhashi [at]