As I was concluding some Reflections on the dismissal of Colombian Senator Piedad Córdoba, incredible news began to arrive from Ecuador. I’ve spent hours listening to it. Minute by minute, ferment is growing.
At 5:12 PM, Cuban time, condemnations of the coup are proliferating. The most prestigious Latin American leaders, such as Chávez and Evo, have issued their energetic condemnations, loud and clear. The OAS in meeting has no choice. Its members are angry, and even Chinchilla is protesting. Even the new President of Colombia has said that he supports Correa.
President Rafael Correa is firm. He is no pushover. The people are very well organized. The coup, in my opinion, is already lost.
Even Obama and Clinton will have no choice but to condemn it.
Fidel Castro
30 September 2010
5:38 pm
En español. Translation by Yoshie Furuhashi (@yoshiefuruhashi | yoshie.furuhashi [at]
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