Tweeting Back at Gringo Imperialism


24 May 2011

Sanctions against the Patria of Bolívar?  Imposed by the gringo imperialist government?  Well then: Bring them on, Mr. Obama!  Don’t forget that we are the sons of Bolívar!

24 May 2011

That’s it, Nicolás!  The real effect of the new gringo aggression will be to strengthen the patriotic, nationalist sprit of Venezuela!

25 May 2011

Bravo to the workers of PDVSA!  From my trench, I send my salute of solidarity and my words of encouragement to all!  #VenezuelaseRESPETA, Venezuela has self-respect!

25 May 2011

Excellent, Comrade Rafael Ramírez!  You are an authentic patriot!  From here, I send my appreciation!  Let’s continue building the Oil Revolution!

25 May 2011

Not only do we have the biggest oil reserves in the world — we also have the most revolutionary oil company in the world!  Winning!

25 May 2011

Wanted to see and feel the people of Bolívar fired up, defending the Independence of the Venezuelan Patria?  Well, there you have it, then.

Hugo Chávez Frías is the president of Venezuela.  Follow Chávez at <!/chavezcandanga>.  Translation by Yoshie Furuhashi (@yoshiefuruhashi | yoshie.furuhashi [at]

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