The Guasú Front, which was the driving force behind the 2008 electoral triumph of President Fernando Lugo, and a broad spectrum of other social and political movements agreed to form the Front for Defense of Democracy (FDD), which “rejects and condemns the putschist government of Federico Franco” and calls upon people “to defend the democratic process and institutional framework of the Republic by permanent mobilization.” With that purpose, the FDD told us, a plan of struggle will be worked out, under Guasu Front Secretary General Ricardo Canese as FDD’s spokesperson. See below the FDD’s first communiqué, reproduced here for its significance. — Agencia Latinoamericana de Información
For the Restoration of Democracy and Popular Sovereignty
The FDD, united in the general assembly of its members, political parties and social movements, political and civil society leaders, denounces the rupture of the institutional framework and the state of law in Paraguay, torn down by the most conservative and reactionary sector of the National Parliament, who disregarded the fundamental principle of the right to legitimate defense and due process, using concepts and practices of the Stroessner dictatorship, and thus overthrew the constitutional government of President Fernando Lugo. This violation of the National Constitution is based on accusations made without any evidence, by means of fascist, Nazi methods of intrigues and calumnies dressed up in pseudo-legal tools.
This grave deed, with deleterious consequences for the economy, society, and institutional life of the Republic, must be reversed immediately. The civilized and democratic coexistence, based on justice and respect for popular sovereignty, must be reestablished.
For these reasons, the FDD rejects and condemns the putschist government of Federico Franco and calls upon the people of Paraguay to defend the democratic process and institutional framework of the Republic by permanent mobilization, in order to prevent the subjugation of fundamental human rights. We appeal to all Paraguayans, at home and abroad, as well as the solidarity of the other fraternal peoples of Latin America, to mobilize ourselves in coordinated fashion for the restitution of the state of law and respect for popular sovereignty in Paraguay.
For the full force of the National Constitution!
For full respect for social justice and human rights in Paraguay!
Fernando Lugo is the sole Constitutional President of the Republic of Paraguay!
No to the putschist government of Federico Franco!
For the restoration of democracy in Paraguay!
The Front for Defense of Democracy (FDD)
The original communiqué with the Agencia Latinoamericana de Información’s introduction was published by the Agencia Latinoamericana de Información on 23 June 2012. Translation by Yoshie Furuhashi (@yoshiefuruhashi | yoshie.furuhashi [at]
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