Archive | November, 2015

  • Red Is the Primary Color of the Rainbow

    This paper was presented at “Color Revolution and Cultural Hegemony,” the 6th World Socialism Forum in Beijing, China, October 16-7, 2015. The term “color revolution” is code.  It is a code for regime change, and the term is often treated as synonymous with activities of the CIA and its assorted vehicles such as the National […]

  • The Trump Phenomenon

    Donald Trump is a wild card in the US presidential contest.  But his role reflects the loss of legitimacy of established US politicians. It is shocking — and perhaps peculiar to the United States — that a candidate can build up popular support while bragging of his immense personal fortune and his consequent ability to […]

  • An Open Letter to ASEAN Heads of State

    20th November 2015 Your Excellencies, the Honorable Heads of Government of ASEAN Nations, welcome to Malaysia.  We in the Parti Sosialis Malaysia wish you have a pleasant and productive summit.  We hope it would not be too presumptuous of us to put forward a few observations and suggestions that have a bearing on the main […]

  • “Why Socialism?” Revisited: Reflections Inspired by Albert Einstein

    Why should one seek socialism?  It is common to adduce that socialism would be more just and fair than capitalism, but that does not fully resolve the issue, since people are not always motivated by social justice.  Moreover motivation — especially for undertakings that are difficult and risky, such as changing a whole society! — […]

  • Emily: Edited 4 the Revolution

    Who says us white leftists have no feeling for High Art?  Hundreds of thousands of capitalist imperialist museum-going, opera-loving, overly literate fuck-faces, that’s who. To smash this top-down bourgeois conspiracy, I am taking a couple of months off from writing this column to start a highly classy — yet class-conscious — literary journal, to be […]